Signet SL-388 tower speakers..



Audioholic Field Marshall
Looks like I found my solution. Gonna take another $250 though (I will get some of that back... will explain later). At this point I don't care because I'm stubbornly adamant about seeing this through. Probably be a couple weeks before I get the next phase implemented. 'Til then!


Audioholic Field Marshall

Running some sweeps with both woofers disconnected approximates the midrange crossover around 500Hz.

BTW, Spectroid for Android phones is a killer app when you need to do some down-and-dirty on the spot. Highly recommended!

I did some rough math from measuring the cabinet internals. I didn't account for bracing or crossovers, but I did approximate the volume of the midrange tube and subtract that. I came up with a net 1.15 cubic feet for the lower chamber and .73 for the upper.

I plugged my numbers into a port tuning calculator with the 3"Ø x 5" port and got a tuning frequency of 48Hz. To confirm, I did the "salt test" and got an actual 46Hz, so my math wasn't far off.

My conclusion from all this is that the only way forward with these speakers is to make them a 3-way and somehow cut out that divider, so both woofers can breathe. That sealed space is a hindrance. Will also have to replace the woofers with 8-ohm drivers that would perform well in that expanded space (and connect them parallel). Modeling the full 1.88 cubic feet gave a 37-38Hz tuning frequency. The results will be interesting. From the start I've not wanted to modify the cabinets but I have no affordable options left.

So with a 3-day weekend coming up and having the house to myself for most of it, the desecration shall soon commence!


Audioholic Field Marshall
It is good that the restrictions on elective surgeries have been lifted. The OR is now getting prepped, and the patient has arrived.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Like everything else thus far, my first try was harder than it needed to be. Cutting and pounding and cutting and pounding and finally I got the divider out.


But I learned in the process and took care of the second speaker in less than 10 minutes! After I got the wires out of the way, I made a cross cut with the sawzall.


(should have made it a full cross and not a tee from the get-go though)

Then I grabbed my Gordon Freeman Special...


And finally... HAMMER TIME.


Candy from a baby.


Now I have the full 1.8-1.9 cubic feet to work with. Still working on the woofer part, but I do have a few ideas in mind.

  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis