Alright, I'm excited. I have a package arriving tomorrow from UPS. New audio equipment? Nope. New video equipment? Nope.
Dog food.
Yes. Dog food.
My dog loves rabbit meat. Loves it. She peels road-kill rabbit off the pavement. She found a dead rabbit on one of our walks, proudly carried it all of the way home, and then (I think) swallowed it whole - I didn't see her do it, but one minute it was there, the next it wasn't. Too bad for her that I now stop her. She ended up getting tape worms this Spring, probably due to some dead thing that she ate, so now I try to keep her from doing it. Okay, in comes the dog food. I stumbled across a brand of dog food on the internet two weekends ago that makes a canned variety that is 95% rabbit meat. Oh, baby. I can't wait to let her try it. It won't be her regular food, but rather an occasional treat. And it's arriving in time for Thanksgiving.
Okay, it's no new subwoofer, but I'm still excited about it. Sure, she might not like it any more than the 50 cent can of Pedigree that I could get at the grocery store...but I can dream.