There are two transducers between your records and your ears, in a TT setup. The cart and the speaker drivers. The things left are caps,
resistors, diodes, wire, cables and a few more nick nacks and CHIPS (Can't forget those pesky suckers). I'm a tube guy so complicated
doesn't come to mind. I do use a bias PCBs with a couple eproms that are for health lights on Cary valve units. Unplug the board and use
a DMM it works just fine.
Which component DOESN'T affect the sound? Can't leave out the wire used inside the box. It's a SONIC upgrade on 1/2 my gear
to go to Kimber cable INSIDE and the unbiblical cable between the PS case and I/O case. It wasn't my idea, it was the designers/owner.
He sold units a few different ways.
High quality cable does not cost a fortune and you can DIY and make as good as any you can buy. In the same breath if you pay 25 cents
a foot for #18PVC/Vinyl aluminum with copper clad, you deserve what you get and you over paid too boot. You CAN have your cake and
eat it too.
Different topic:
Danny's test about speaker cable is talking about heavy RFI EFI like the old days of CHP with ham units in their cars or Tractors with CBs.
Those CB could light up 80 watt fluorescent tubes 3 feet away when they key up. They use to drive buy and climb over the top of valve gear.
Every now and then I hear a hot rod ham or CB come through. They rerouted the truck route and cops don't use ham any more. Where is the
noise coming from? The wire feed welder next door?
I remember when Danny first started, he has grown a lot through the years. It's a good quality. I sure like his subs and he is EASY to communicate
with. Nothing uneasy about his manner OR any of the guys that support the product. The video is kinda 101, copyright 1920s. The funny part that
was covered in my 3rd or 4th grade science class in the early 60s, Mrs. Brown. She was 1000 years old then, she would be 2000 years old now.
Not everybody is as well educated as others, let's put it that way.

Danny covers some interesting information.
A lot of loyal followers too, they like Danny. If you meet him, he's hard not to like. Kind of a disarming fellow..