Somewhere in these threads I posted several years ago I posted my system (nice rack or something like that). Anyway, I still have the 37" Zenith. We do not watch a lot of TV (Superbowl, Indy 500, Daytona 500, the occasional news blast when something big and disasterous happens the same way people flock to a house fire or car crash). We don't even have cable. In fact, 99% of the time, if the TV is on, we are watching a DVD. The picture quality is great (for what we're use too). Come February, when HDTV is supposed to take over, I understand all we;ll see is white noise. So the questions are:
Will all we'll be able to see is white noise or will we actually still get a picture.
Do I need to get an HDTV, or will one of those TERK antennas work?
If all I will need is the antenna, will I need anything else (converter box, etc..)to watch TV programming?
Thanks in advance for you help/opinions/snide comments about my 20 year old Zenith.
For those who actually remember me and my cable activities, don't worry, I working on glow in the dark speaker cables based on CAT5 (batteries required).