Shake Shake Shake!!!!!!!



Audioholic Overlord
Hey, got woken up this morning at a little past 4:30 am by excessive shaking!!!!! I am like wtf is going on. Then, I remembered that I had just put my Polk RTi6's on stands. To my surprise, they did NOT fall off. At that point in time, I thanked God himself for sparing my speakers. :p:p Anybody else here feel the 5.2 Earthquake this morning? What was YOUR reaction? It shook very hard here in Western KY and there has been (2) after shocks today.
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Audioholic General
I woke up thinking "WTF? Stupid Jet fighters..."
Then I heard a little differently thinking "Ok, storm?"

Then it went away. "WTF???" So, yeah. I went back to bed.


Audioholic Overlord
I woke up thinking "WTF? Stupid Jet fighters..."
Then I heard a little differently thinking "Ok, storm?"

Then it went away. "WTF???" So, yeah. I went back to bed.
I kinda thought it was just a big truck. But, it started shaking much harder and what seems like forever. I checked my RTi6's and went back to sleep myself.


Audioholic Chief
I read about it today. Glad you are all O.K. with no damage.


Audioholic General
I read about it today. Glad you are all O.K. with no damage.
Well... I wish I would have slept completely through it... I was very late to class this morning...

Slept right through my alarm!

I need to get a switch that will allow me to switch between 2 amplifiers so that I can use my DSP-A1000 for my alarm clock. :D


Audioholic Ninja
It wasn't an earthquake, Rosie ODonell fell off the bed.


Audioholic Spartan
I lived in Silicon Valley for two years and experienced a very minor earthquake once (I think we were a long way from the epicenter). It was only a very short rumble but it was still unnerving.

WTF is right. You're kind of stunned for a second thinking what the h!ll is that?


Audioholic Warlord
Set your alarm to radio then crank it. That's what I have to do. If I don't, I'll sleep till 1:00pm.

I actually had an alarm clock "quit". The time came for the alarm to go off, and instead of it doing it's job, the time went away and the screen read "No".

On topic, I've only experienced a very very minor earthquake. A couple slow easy pulses, then it went away.



Audioholic General
Set your alarm to radio then crank it. That's what I have to do. If I don't, I'll sleep till 1:00pm.

I actually had an alarm clock "quit". The time came for the alarm to go off, and instead of it doing it's job, the time went away and the screen read "No".

On topic, I've only experienced a very very minor earthquake. A couple slow easy pulses, then it went away.

Well, that's what I'm wanting to use the DSP-A1000 for: I'll hook it up to my Pioneer timer and the amp and tuner should come on. None of that puny Sony clock radio crap.

Ah, the good old days of my Aiwa waking me up.


Audioholic Spartan
You people are weak. :D

I don't even need an alarm clock because regardless of what time I finallly go to sleep, I wake up naturally at around 7 am. My alarm clock never beeps more than once. Of course my situation is different in that I work from home 99% of the time and sometimes I start at 7 am and other times I start at noon. Also regardless of the fact that the alarm goes off around the time I would naturally wake, I shut it off and go back to sleep... I am totally messed up because I only sleep in the early morning hours. Thank god I don't have a job with a rigid time scale...I'd go crazy.


Audioholic Spartan
When I worked for a land surveyor back around 1979.
I experienced a small tremor; in NJ of all places.
Just as the shaking started; our 450 lb lead surveyor was climbing over a small fence, and subsequently fell off. The timing was perfect, to make it seem like he was the cause of the quake. :D
We didn't find out until that night when we heard the news; that it really was a small tremor.


Audioholic Ninja
When I worked for a land surveyor back around 1979.
I experienced a small tremor; in NJ of all places.
Just as the shaking started; our 450 lb lead surveyor was climbing over a small fence, and subsequently fell off. The timing was perfect, to make it seem like he was the cause of the quake. :D
We didn't find out until that night when we heard the news; that it really was a small tremor.
Was that lead surveyor named Rosie!
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
I didn't realize that Kentucky got earthquakes. Glad you had no damage. 5.2 isn't large, but it's big enough to do damage to those close to the epicenter.

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and couldn't even guess how many earthquakes I'd been through, but if I had to, it'd be alot. Three of them were strong enough to make my bed shake violently, one of those made it do the exorcist.:eek: I had to check my shorts after that one.:D



Audioholic Overlord
I read about it today. Glad you are all O.K. with no damage.
Thanks, I appreciate that very much. It is amazing nobody got hurt. I did, however, get a bit of food poisoning from my local Cracker Barrel. Had some eggs and bacon to go along with some pancakes. Everything was good but did notice the pancakes tasted a bit funny. :(:( Once, I got home things changed drastically. Had to call into work sick and just now have the strength to do much of anything. Don't think I will ever never eat pancakes again.


Audioholic Overlord
I lived in Silicon Valley for two years and experienced a very minor earthquake once (I think we were a long way from the epicenter). It was only a very short rumble but it was still unnerving.

WTF is right. You're kind of stunned for a second thinking what the h!ll is that?
The epi-center is only about 50 miles from my home. It really is amazing nobody got hurt. God once again has shown his grace. I am thanking him right now as we speak.


Audioholic Overlord
Set your alarm to radio then crank it. That's what I have to do. If I don't, I'll sleep till 1:00pm.

I actually had an alarm clock "quit". The time came for the alarm to go off, and instead of it doing it's job, the time went away and the screen read "No".

On topic, I've only experienced a very very minor earthquake. A couple slow easy pulses, then it went away.

Hey Sheep, one of my installers is always late to work. I often call him over and over again to get him up. If I don't, he has a tendency to over-sleep. Heck, I believe he would be late to his own funeral..........LOL!!!! :p:p Seriously, I believe my installer has a sleeping disorder.


Audioholic Overlord
I didn't realize that Kentucky got earthquakes. Glad you had no damage. 5.2 isn't large, but it's big enough to do damage to those close to the epicenter.

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and couldn't even guess how many earthquakes I'd been through, but if I had to, it'd be alot. Three of them were strong enough to make my bed shake violently, one of those made it do the exorcist.:eek: I had to check my shorts after that one.:D

Actually, Western KY is on the New Madrid fault line. I have experienced several tremors over the last 25 years or so. But, never have I been shaken that hard. I mean it completely woke me up and had a very distinctive sound to it. To be honest, I was a bit shaken from it all.


Audioholic Overlord
When I worked for a land surveyor back around 1979.
I experienced a small tremor; in NJ of all places.
Just as the shaking started; our 450 lb lead surveyor was climbing over a small fence, and subsequently fell off. The timing was perfect, to make it seem like he was the cause of the quake. :D
We didn't find out until that night when we heard the news; that it really was a small tremor.
Hey, I used to do some surveying myself. It was a fun job for the most part. At times, the heat would get to you though. Or, the cold would make things difficult.


I think is was your neighbor's JL audio fathom f113 turn up a little too loud.

Hey, got woken up this morning at a little past 4:30 am by excessive shaking!!!!! I am like wtf is going on. Then, I remembered that I had just put my Polk RTi6's on stands. To my surprise, they did NOT fall off. At that point in time, I thanked God himself for sparing my speakers. :p:p Anybody else here feel the 5.2 Earthquake this morning? What was YOUR reaction? It shook very hard here in Western KY and there has been (2) after shocks today.
No seriously, glad to hear the earthequake didn't affect you!


Audioholic Overlord
No seriously, glad to hear the earthequake didn't affect you!
Thanks Mid I appreciate that very much. For a split second, kinda thought it may be the "BIG" one scientists keep harping about. Yeah, I watch a lot of the Discovery Channel......LOL!!!! :p:p

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