Setup for a small room?



Need suggestions, I want to get a system that has high quality sound but isn't huge, I'm stationed in hawaii and of course im in the barracks, I won't be able to get the room dimsions till l8ter but I need something that won't wake everyone up in the entire barrracks but still has sound quality, also I can't really order on the net since it cost a ton to ship out here. The electronic stores well non exsistent aside from BB. Its perfect though as prices on what I was looking at Weren't to bad.

L/R: Polk TSI100
Center: Polk CS10
LS/RS: Polk TSI100
Sub: Polk PSW111

I already have a Receiver so dont need that. Let me know what you think.


why so many spkrs? just a pr of good qual. 2way bookshelfs spkrs is more than enough for your space req. It'll give your barrack mates a brake as well.


Full Audioholic
Are you wanting it for movies or music? I would probably advise you to spend you money on a different setup if it were me. Would you mind telling us your budget for this project? If cost is an issue I would do just as oldhifiguy said, purchase two good Front L/R, but you could also add a sub if you wanted to keep it turned down and add a little more bass. I'm sure other members will chime in and give you more rec's for better speakers.


Audioholic Overlord
I agree with the others that a decent two speaker system might be a more realistic approach, particularly when it's only gonna have to be moved again fairly soon.

By not having stuff shipped to you does really limit your options to what's locally available, doesn't it?

So, what are your local options?


Audioholic Ninja
That's one of those situations where I like good headphones (Maybe a Grado SR225 or SR325i?) or maybe headphones and a Buttkicker. I'm not a big fan of Buttkickers but in those tight thin walled quarters headphones will allow you much better quality at far higher listening levels than speakers and the Buttkicker will fill in the one hole in the headphone experience - feeling the deep bass. You'll also save on shipping.

Then pick up a pair of book shelf speakers for when friends drop by.


Are you wanting it for movies or music? I would probably advise you to spend you money on a different setup if it were me. Would you mind telling us your budget for this project? If cost is an issue I would do just as oldhifiguy said, purchase two good Front L/R, but you could also add a sub if you wanted to keep it turned down and add a little more bass. I'm sure other members will chime in and give you more rec's for better speakers.
I agree. You can do much better than polk especially for music.


Well first of all thanks for all the replys. Movies mainly, i have a logitech 2.1 2300 for music and they do a good job on music but movies theirs something missing even with 3D sound effects. Shipping I might be able to do for the bookshelfs, but the sub will have to bought on island and the stores im kinda cautious about the stores on Oahu I have not found physicly but yellow pages i found a few, BB is the safest bet. Budget wise no more than a grand trying to keep it low and im not going anywhere anytime soon, as far as the room not that small bout the size of your average guest bedroom and the walls are carpated to keep sound in. Works well to before I went to iraq my roommate loved music and loved to blast music once I was inside my room I couldnt hear but muffled noise. Ohh sorry guys I should of told you when you walk in the only thing we shared was a small kitchen and bathroom (common area) we actually had seprate sleeping Room. Thanks for the input so far.
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Full Audioholic
You may also want to check your local craigslist or classifieds, I think there are probably alot of deals to be had in the current economy. Nothing wrong with used speakers, and they usually keep alot of money in the wallet where it needs to be.


Yes thats a good idea, I will check it out time now. Thank you
*checked nota*
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Yes thats a good idea, I will check it out time now. Thank you
If your limited to BB, see if they can order these for you if they are not available on the showroom floor. Bass will travel through those barrack walls pretty easily so I would forgo the sub for now unless you want to piss off your room mate. They should be able to give you some decent bass without a dedicated sub and you can always expand your setup and move these to surrounds when you get a place of your own.


Audioholic Ninja
If your limited to BB, see if they can order these for you if they are not available on the showroom floor. Bass will travel through those barrack walls pretty easily so I would forgo the sub for now unless you want to piss off your room mate. They should be able to give you some decent bass without a dedicated sub and you can always expand your setup and move these to surrounds when you get a place of your own.
Thats a great pair of bookshelves.. really great...


If your limited to BB, see if they can order these for you if they are not available on the showroom floor. Bass will travel through those barrack walls pretty easily so I would forgo the sub for now unless you want to piss off your room mate. They should be able to give you some decent bass without a dedicated sub and you can always expand your setup and move these to surrounds when you get a place of your own.
I like, Couple of the BB have a magnolia in them Ill check them out thanks.


So ya I went down to BB and heard the Def 350's, ya the sound is amazing but just not as low as I want, I was thinking of adding a sub to them, had it all plained out and what happens, the BB salesman with his stupid mic comes in, whats even worse IMO I knew how to work the switcher better than he did, pah! Then is trying to sell me a set of def sat speakers its like DUDE what was the first thing I said to you. NO SAT SPEAKERS!!!! JEEEZ after taking me out on the floor and trying to convience me on some polk SATS I was like forget it bud im gone, aside from this guy treating me like a complete moron their is a good thing about the whole thing, i prevented BB from making a $1k bucks of some guys hard earned money on set of yammy's and dennons that were EXTEREMLY over priced for older receiver, and steered the guy on to this website and the whole world of speakers, as soon as the salesmen came in that guy bailed., BB-0.
thanks for the help though i will be buying those speakers and using my yamaha rx-v663 receiver.


Sorry, when I posted the link they were still available. Must have been a good deal.
ahh dont worry I think im just going to look around on the net for a good deal, maybe i can luck out and get some discounted shiping or something. stranger things have happened.


Full Audioholic
If you look you can find good prices on stuff. I really am pleased with my Definitive stuff, especially for a stereo pair. The towers with subs sound great.


If you look you can find good prices on stuff. I really am pleased with my Definitive stuff, especially for a stereo pair. The towers with subs sound great.
Ya i got to check out those book shelfs in the store and they sounded amazing, i would have gotten them that day if the salesman hadnt have came in, he ruined that sale for himself. but hey I can be patient for great sound. BB hasnt upgraded its group of receivers so i got to check them out on the speakers I will be using. anyways thanks for the help.

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