For your music, you will want big output above 40 Hz or so, so ported isn't necessary, however the drive to get the Paradigm isn't worth it unless you have a lot of freetime and your car gets incredible mileage. The MFW-15 will give you the most output there, but that is a sub with a long history of reliability issues, so I would only buy it if it were very cheap. The PB12 does OK here, but not great. The VTF2 mk2 will not be an overperformer in this respect, the mk3 and mk4 would be much better. The Velodyne might be reasonably good, but its an oldie so don't pay a lot for it. I would go for a new Hsu VTF2 mk4, Outlaw LFM-1 Plus, or Rythmik LV12. Another sub that might be better than those in this regard would be
this Dayton kit. It takes a little bit of assembly but should punch pretty good in the frequency range of the music you listen to.