Last night I read all the threads start to finish. Your work is amazing!!
So, needless to say my original questions have been answered. Unfortunately, this leads me to another question.
What should be my stepwise process on a new subwoofer project? My guess is that it would go something like this:
1) Goals for the project.
2) Budget.
3) Size limits on the box, room dimensions, etc.
4) After that I have no idea, and I'm not even sure about the first 3.
What order do these things fall in: Selection of Amp, Driver, and enclosure dimensions? If I select a driver and an amp, is there a nifty calculation I can do to determine the right size for a sealed enclosure, or should I just ask you guys (I like that option!)? Should I start with the driver, then build the enclosure accordingly, then select an amp capable of pushing the driver to desired results?
If all this has been covered before, I'm really sorry. Still trying to find my way around this forum... Thanks again!!