SCOTUS Chevron ruling



Audioholic General
Here’s an in depth look at what the SCOTUS ruling really did, first 30 minutes and then a little on 8th amendment and the homeless ruling.

It actually protects most previous rules, takes power away from the office of the president and harms the Heritage Foundation Project 2025.

Sorry it’s an iTunes podcast


Audioholic General
Also people worried about judges making decisions instead of experts is a flawed interpretation, judges only rule on if it violates the law so they don’t need to be experts in the field. Government agencies fall under the executive branch so SCOTUS was telling Congress that they no longer get to pass legislation that is too vague giving the Executive branch room to interpret law which is reserved for the Judicial Branch. Basically they are telling Congress to make better laws and if they don’t judges will interpret them and not government agencies.

They also inserted language to prevent a free for all overturning previous rules under most circumstances.

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