Scientific Fidelity Crown Joules



At my dads I found these gorgeous speakers on the attic. I will probably sell them but I'd very much like to obtain some information about them first. It's two speakers "Crown Joule" of the brand Scientific Fidelity. They have a realy slick glossy black look on de outside with matching hollow stands to put them on that are filled with at least 25 kilograms of sand, which appearantly helps the audio. I have tried to find information on these on the internet but there is not much to find. With the scarce information I could find out that the Crown Joule was released in 1993 and was designed by Mike Maloney and that only a very limited number of speakers was ever made. Prices mentioned on the web vary from 1600 to 6000 dollar for the original set. Appearantly these are speakers of magnificent quality if you have a good amp. Or so some guy on the internet says.

I would love to have more information on these speakers. At least what I could find does not strike me as very trustworthy. How much would these speakers be worth nowadays? Any other information would also be welcome. I would be very grateful to anyone who could help me :)



Audioholic Chief
Crown Jewels, I mean Crown Joules--thought for sure you were pulling our respective internet leg!! Too funny, thanks for the, uhhm, pics.
I know nothing about these, but thanks for the laugh at work today.


Audioholic Samurai
Given the cabinet design's departure from rectangular prism, its faceted design most likely serving the dual purpose of aesthetics and baffle step compensation, and the midbass driver with a phase plug, there are hints of high end here. But not 5-figure high end. The tweeter appears to be aluminum. How do they sound? Do you have means to measure them?


Audioholic Slumlord
You've probably seen this discussion:
As for speakers themselves: I have no idea.
They don't seem to be White van scam, but in same time some of comments made me suspicions of their design : "Better crossover with fewer parts (no caps)" - that alone raises all sorts red alerts for me.

And then there is stereophile review of another speaker made by SF - tesla
and review itself is not very encouraging to the brand.


Audioholic Jedi
There are discussions about them here and there and the consensus seems to be great cabinets mediocre sound.


Seriously, I have no life.
You've probably seen this discussion:
As for speakers themselves: I have no idea.
They don't seem to be White van scam, but in same time some of comments made me suspicions of their design : "Better crossover with fewer parts (no caps)" - that alone raises all sorts red alerts for me.

And then there is stereophile review of another speaker made by SF - tesla
and review itself is not very encouraging to the brand.
I looked at the Tesla review which used the same mid/woofers. These are a dual VC in house design and they seem to be awful. It is a highly resonant peaky cone. The measurements indicate it is not a speaker one would want to own. I'm pretty sure a quick listen would put it in the dreadful category. The tweeter is from Vifa.

The OP does not have a hidden gem here.

Dennis Murphy

Audioholic General
Given the cabinet design's departure from rectangular prism, its faceted design most likely serving the dual purpose of aesthetics and baffle step compensation, and the midbass driver with a phase plug, there are hints of high end here. But not 5-figure high end. The tweeter appears to be aluminum. How do they sound? Do you have means to measure them?
The facets are to smooth tweeter diffraction peaks and dips, although I have no idea whether it works. The design won't do anything for baffle step compensation. The only way to eliminate the baffle step is to use a very large "infinite" baffle that directs the bass waves outward, rather than letting them wrap around the baffle.

Dana daitre

Hi I would like to discuss purchasing the Scientific Fidelity number is 480-213-2601 and name is Dana

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