Sattelite Radio Sucks



Audioholic Chief
gene said:
Watched, are you kiddin? I still have practically every original toy in the original boxes. I had a tear in my eye the day Omega Supremes motor stopped working in his tank module though :(
Wow, you're sitting on a small fortune. Those mint condition generation 1 transformers go for a fortune on Ebay. Kinda makes me wish I took better care of mine, but I didn't know any better back in the day.


Satellite is nirvana

I have to dissagree, I think satellite radio (Sirius) is the best $20 I spend ea month (2 receivers). I listen in my car, and I listen at work through my pc. And my wife listens in her car. Would I pipe it in to my dedicated listening room? Of course not. In the listening room, I would want to chose which song to hear. You can't do that (yet) on satellite. But the variety of music, news etc without commercial (nearly) makes it well worth the expense.


MacManNM said:
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. CD Data rates are only 176 kbites per second, this can easily be transmitted in an analog bandwith of 120 kHz. If you know anything about digital, we used to get 57KB/s out of crapy phone lines that didn't even meet C2 conditioning standards.

Wow, that's awful big talk for someone who is so grossly misinformed. Sirius has about 7.5 Mb/sec of bandwidth, providing to a 4.4 Mb/sec stream. Compare that to the "12.5 Mhz" your earlier post claimed (not sure how a transmission frequency translates to a streaming rate, but we'll just ignore that for now).

Yes, I wish Sirius' audio quality was better but I'd much rather hear compression artifacts than the craptacular programming, static and endless commercials offered up by FM.


Audioholic Ninja
flatpick said:
Wow, that's awful big talk for someone who is so grossly misinformed. Sirius has about 7.5 Mb/sec of bandwidth, providing to a 4.4 Mb/sec stream. Compare that to the "12.5 Mhz" your earlier post claimed (not sure how a transmission frequency translates to a streaming rate, but we'll just ignore that for now).

Yes, I wish Sirius' audio quality was better but I'd much rather hear compression artifacts than the craptacular programming, static and endless commercials offered up by FM.
64kbps sounds about right.


Full Audioholic
We've got XM in our Element, and have been very happy with it-but it's important to bear in mind that we didn't get it for the audio quality so much as the convenience and programming when we're travelling out here in the Rocky Mountain West (stations, nevermind decent ones, can be few and far between in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana). I tend to look at the XM/Sirius/over air radio decision like the cable/satellite/ over air TV decision: over air TV doesn't have the channels I like, anymore than ClearChannel's nationwide radio playlist amuses me.

Bryan...your mileage may vary...:)


Audioholic Warlord
Gotta say that I love my XM Sat radio... Not enough to pay for it of course, but I love it.

Having a lifetime subscription to it makes it a lot more lovable. ;)

As for quality... well, I'm usually listening in the bathroom or have it on in the background of the office. That or MP3s running.

Not the audio perfectionist for sure am I.

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