Why do we want to change some sort of very inexpensive physical media (CD is dirt cheap) for some sort of memory distribution that may serve no other purpose than raise the prices and make music more expensive to consumers.
I never use physical disks myself anymore, but I never buy anything but CD's, I don't use the CD's but I rip all my music to a linux server in FLAC format via EAC. An from that point I may use the music any way I want. What gives me most pleasure is to bring all my music on a 2'5" drive with a very small (2 lbs) laptop computer.... take this with me on all vacations. And I generally listen to full albums.... or single songs, depending on the mood....
This gives a freedom of choice to listen to whatever you want, whenever you want, and that is a real pleasure

To me, Sandisk initiative is to take away this freedom from the consumers, and I dislike that a lot