sacd player - got it hooked up two ways, one sounds funny.



shokhead said:
You could be dead in 2-3 years,worry about it then. Hard to say what models will be out then. DVD could be dead.

DVD won't be will be Blu-ray or HD DVD, with lossless 'hi def' DTS or Dolby Digital sound.

If the industry has its way, that is.


Audioholic Samurai
krabapple said:
No, he hasn't. He's extrapolated a conclusion --but the logic of it is not established. He says he hadn't even *considered* bass management as a possibility before you mentioned it, now we're to believe he's exhausted all the possible causes? He hasn't detailed the results of various experiments as I outlined. E.g., he says he gets sub output -- under what conditions? Does it go away when he sets speakers to LARGE? What happens when other cables are disconnected? Did he try running the sub out directly into the sub? What are the settings for his non-SACD sources, in the AVR particularly? Are we comparing like to like here at all? Do Sony SACD players tend to have 'poor bass management' for SACD? Has anyone else reporte dthis problem for this model?

I'm giving up, because bryant doesn't seem to want to get into the sort of reporting detail that's required to diagnose the problem properly.

You know, Michael Jackson could *sing* a fair bit too. I have no patience with music snobbery. There are skills and talents involved in the making of all of these kinds of music. It comes down to what you like, or not...not some 'objective' idea of what is 'good' music or 'bad'.
krabapple, krabapple, krabapple; Last first.

It's not snobbery, it's fact. I was attempting to illustrate the difference between singers and "artists" vs. accomplished musicians and songwriters. If you don't recognize the difference, there's no sense in my trying to explain it. If you would take the time more to read more carefully, I wrote that I can and do appreciate Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson...for pop music, which is precisely what they do. It's not a pun, nor sarcasm. I meant exactly what I wrote. How do you read more into it?

And to address your plethora of questions written above, bryantm3 did, in fact, address most of these issues in his previous posts. Now, I'll admit, it's been a painstaking conglomeration of imprecise, unmethodical postings that both you and I have attempted to decipher. But he has answered that:
1) There is no difference between small and large settings;
2) He does get proper sub output, except in sacd;
3) That he used test tones and adjusted the volume levels for the different channels, sub x over set to 80Hz, all speakers off (on the receiver and and the player) except for fronts and sub, etc., etc., etc. The only contradiction I see is that in his 3-22-06 post @ 12:03 a.m., he writes that his speakers are set to large on his player, whilst set to small on his receiver, so I will say this one more time too, since he has never since written otherwise, then I'm toast:


So, krabapple, as have both you and I been straining to cure this "problem," please don't be so readily offended by my posts. Read them more carefully, and don't infer, and I'm sure you'll see it's not snobbery, just communication. Cheers.
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Johnd said:
krabapple, krabapple, krabapple; Last first.

It's not snobbery, it's fact. I was attempting to illustrate the difference between singers and "artists" vs. accomplished musicians and songwriters. If you don't recognize the difference, there's no sense in my trying to explain it. If you would take the time more to read more carefully, I wrote that I can and do appreciate Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson...for pop music, which is precisely what they do. It's not a pun, nor sarcasm. I meant exactly what I wrote. How do you read more into it?
I'm not interested in your hierarchies, frankly. In my world, singers can be accomplished musicians, whether they write songs or not. And they can be artists (no quotes) without knowing a lick of formal music theory too. Your 'facts' are more like prejudices in the way you extend them into *judgements*.

And to address your plethora of questions written above, bryantm3 did, in fact, address most of these issues in his previous posts. Now, I'll admit, it's been a painstaking conglomeration of imprecise, unmethodical postings that both you and I have attempted to decipher. But he has answered that:
1) There is no difference between small and large settings;
2) He does get proper sub output, except in sacd;
3) That he used test tones and adjusted the volume levels for the different channels, sub x over set to 80Hz, all speakers off (on the receiver and and the player) except for fronts and sub, etc., etc., etc.

No, he has vaguely reported changing things, in who knows what order, and with who knows how rigorously. I'm willing to bet that if I could work on his setup in person for 20 minutes, I'd have his putative 'bass management problem' sorted out definitively. I suspect he's simply either playing the wrong part of an SACD, or has mismatched the levels of his AVR versus his player. It's possible his player's SACD subwoofer output is ~ 10 dB less than his system's Dolby Digital subwoofer output -- this has been known to be the case for some players, not a malfunction -- but we don't know anything for sure, really, and it can be compensated for if so. Or, he *could* simply play his two-channel SACDs through the dedicated analog l/r output, and let his receiver do bass management on it (in which case he should set speakers to LARGE, subwoofer OFF in the player again, on the off chance it's so poorly designed that the speaker /sub settings actually affect the dedicated two-channel analog out. AVR settings would be speakers SMALL, subwoofer ON of course.).
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Audioholic Samurai
Well that's just rude.

I thought a fellow Al DiMeola fan would concede the point...but apparently not. Somehow you are still misreading my post. No matter. I'll allow you to have the last word on most of this. Just allow me to state for the record that the bold capitals are meant for bryantm3 for his contradictory settings in his player and receiver; not for you. And forgive me if I've offended you in any way.


Audioholic General
He sure is getting a few pissed because he cant set it up. His Sony Has SACD so doesnt that mean it has to have BM?

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