Rythmik FV15 vs FV15HP - Probably a quick question and answer....



Audioholic Intern
Ok, so the only difference between the two subs is that the FV15 has a 370w amp, and the FV15-HP has a 500w amp....I understand the stronger amp will result in greater max output across the frequency response.

My question is, and this may be a foolish question, but will the extra power make any difference if I don't ever approach the sub's max output? Typically I listen at around -20 to -18dB from reference level (per the receiver's volume display).

In case I'm not asking this in a clear manner, I'll rephrase it into a hypothetical situation...

Situation #1: FV15-HP in a 10ft x 10ft x 10ft room and listen at around say 50% max volume

Situation #2: FV15 in a 10ft x 10ft x 10ft room and listen at 50% max volume​

Will there be any difference in sound?


AV Rant Co-Host
The FV15HP isn't even twice as powerful as the FV15, which means that you aren't getting even 3dB more output - you'd get about 2dB more output from the HP version...which is noticeable, but very small.

That, however, is sustained output - and in your small room and low volume level, you will very likely never notice such a small difference.

I say "however" though because there is also dynamic power, where the difference between the two amps is greater. When people think "dynamic power" they often think only of things like sudden explosions. And, indeed, things like that do fall under the category of "dynamic power". But the REAL difference is in transients - the fleeting moments of "attack" and "decay" when a bass note first starts or when it comes to a stop. Transients are the "stops and starts" of notes and they can require extremely brief, but extremely high levels of power in order to avoid dynamic compression.

That said, it's a REALLY nit-picky thing. Those of us (like me) who are all "stuck up" about audio and listen intently - at reference volume - for the tiniest differences in performance so that we can justify spending thousands of dollars extra for a barely perceptible difference...well...we might demand the extra dynamic power simply so that we can listen to a handful of familiar transient response moments and try to pick out even a hair's breath of extra "space" between notes.

In your case? I highly doubt you would ever notice the difference ;) And unless you had the HP right there next to the regular FV15 for A/B comparison, I sincerely doubt that ANYONE would be able to notice any difference what-so-ever in your setup!

Long story short, you don't need the extra 2dB of sustained output that the HP version offers and where the dynamic power is concerned, there might be a very slight chance that you could pick out a difference in the transients in an A/B comparison - but I highly doubt it and you're not going to have both in the room for an A/B comparison anyway, so you will never notice that difference - and that is if it even exists at all!

So you should feel extremely confident that the regular FV15 will be absolutely fine for you! The HP exists for people with much larger rooms that might actually demand the extra 2dB of sustained output - and for crazy people like me who will pay extra of the tiniest of improvements in transient response that may or may not actually be audible :p

Hope that helps!


Audioholic Intern
I appreciate the very informative response. My room is actually 20x12 but I get the point.


Junior Audioholic
If you have the money...go with the HP. You'll eventually want to use that power. That's what this hobby does to you. It's Kind of like the American way....WANT more,more, more, more, more more.

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