Pizza Man, I appreciate your concern, but if the RS-232 interface is built in a standard configuration and the user connects a properly designed cable (it appears to be a null modem cable that is required) then how could they "end up causing damage to the unit"? I don't see how that is possible unless the software itself is too buggy for prime time. The bottom line here is that I am qualified to use these features and, more importantly, I was sold on them. As Nate described, the power of this technology is awesome. I'm convinced it would be a very significant upgrade to my system.
When I was looking to buy th RX-V1500, I read this on Yamaha's website:
YAMAHA RECEIVER EDITOR (Windows version only)
Using this application you can set up the configurations of the Home Presets, Volume Presets and Zone2 Volume Presets (RX-Z1 only) from your laptop or desktop via RS-232C. Receiver Editor allows you to edit, download, and upload the Home Presets, Volume Presets and Zone2 Volume Presets configurations, and these configurations can be saved as Configuration Files. Receiver Editor also has an ability to backup entire SET MENU settings. You can save time and effort you used to spent on configuring the AV Receiver.
I was told by Yamaha that such software would indeed support the 1500. Now that software has finally come out but it doesn't seem to work (at least two people here have had the same communication problems) and Yamaha basically says that they don't in any way support it. In fact, you're saying that we shouldn't have it at all because we might not be capable enough to use it. I have to say I'm let down. Not taking phone calls on a product is one thing. But to market a set of features and then turn around and say it is 100% unsupported, and in fact, not available to the vast majority of people who purchased the product is irresponsible at best and deceptive at worst.
This editor software should be available, maybe for a small fee ($20, or $30) to whomever wants it and there should be some minimal documentation. At the very least it should work! No offense Pizza Man, and I appreciate your time on here, but this kind of stinks.