At the end of the day I like this sub. It is built well and of very reasonably cost. It looks classy as well. It will not plumb the 16-31.5hz octave like some much bigger, more powerful subs, but I can’t think of any competitor subs in this price range that will do any better there either. It should be decent down to 20-25hz with some help from room gain. Above 40hz this thing will crank out plenty of bass for most. I also like the fact that this sub has a nice linear top end response up until about 180hz. That should make it easier to integrate well with mains. If you are the kind of person who likes to really crank up music sometimes but have a limited budget this could be a good fit. A pair at about $750 offers a lot of headroom for the money. I wish that the distortion results were a little bit better for this sub but it really doesn’t start to get high until the 110 and 115db output sweeps which would be very, very loud in a typical medium sized room. If I could change one thing about this sub it would be the port tuning. I think it has been handicapped a little bit with a 25hz tune. The enclosure volume and driver don’t really support it well and the response has drastically dropped off by then as a consequence. If the tuning were raised about 1/3rd of an octave to 30 or 31.5hz it would raise the efficiency a few db between 25-40hz and reduce the excursion demands on the driver. I think it is a mistake trying to eke out a useable 20hz with this sub. Extra output power in the 25-35hz range to help match the very high output in the upper bass would be a better compromise. All that said at the end of the day this is a lot of speaker for the money if you are in the market for a <$400 subwoofer.
One thing that I wanted to note is that since I had this subwoofer at the same time as the Bic PL-200 I couldn't help but notice a certain familial resemblance. I would be very surprised if the 2 subs are not produced in the same factory by the same company. The black oak finish, the gloss top and bottom panels, the grill fabric, grill fasteners, the packaging, the cosmetics of the 2 drivers all point in that direction. Not to mention that I bought both from the same online retailer. Just a guess.