When I purchased the Yamaha EQ-630, the man through in an ancient Harmony 659 remote. I never thought much of it and squirreled it away. However, I had added the Iomega ScreenPlay MX2 as my digital music (only) source to the Yamaha 2 channel stack. This necessitated the use of a remote so I simply retained the functionality of Iomega and created an another activity to the main Logitech Harmony 650 remote that I use on my Yamaha HT stack. The 650 is programmed to capacity and I couldn't add any more devices to it like the pre-amp and the EQ. In a stroke of genius, I thought why not use the ancient remote instead of wasting another Logitech Harmony 650 on it. I said waisted because there are a lot of things in the 2 channel stack that requires hands on like eject andnext/previous track on the DVD player, power up the power amp, and NT settings on the deck.
So here its is..back from electronic wasteland.