I already have a 500W BASH plate amp from Parts Express. Unfortunately it has only one setting for Bass Boost so the thought of a sealed box with progressive boosting as the frequency steps down is out of the question.
I'm interested in the slot port idea but I just don't see any way of making a straight rectangular port that is 51.5" long in a 5.75 cu ft enclosure.
You said with the single 4" port @ 5.75 ft3 it would have audible port noise at tuning frequency. Since tuning freq is so low what are the chances of hitting that band during movie/music playback. Also what if I corner load the box and have the port firing towards the wall and the sub firing into the room. Or I fire both the port and woofer downward into a flat wood plate. Wouldn't that cover up some of the port noise? For comparison I will remeasure the slot port the current box has as well as the internal volume and map it in WinISD to check out how much port turbulence I have and where it occurrs for comparison.
By the way is there any calculation needed for downfiring subs? What I mean is there a way of determining how far off the ground they should sit?
You absolutely can not build that sub with a four inch port. There will be far too much port compression. The vent velocity is 45 m/sec. The length for tuning of a four inch port is 21.55 inches.
In Box Pro there is significant ripple for all ported enclosures with that driver. The 4 cu ft box has the least and an F3 of 18.
Now the sealed box has an F3 of 28. Roll off is 12 db/octave, so it is still a really good sub. Truthfully you can tell the designers who conceived that driver had closed box in mind for its application.
In Box Pro designed by Bob Bullock, who has been a pioneer in speaker design software, there is a bar meter after you load the TS parameters that steers you to closed or vented. For your driver the bar is as far to the closed side as it can get.
I have found over the years his software has correlated very well with what really happens.
I would build a closed box for that driver. That will be simpler and you won't have these difficult port issues. If you go ported you are gong to have to limit the sub to 65 Hz with fourth order crossover roll off. I can't be more emphatic with my advice not to reflex load that driver.