Another tip: play Mercenaries! Instead of having to beat the game first, Mercenaries is unlocked from the beginning. This will very quickly get you used to the controls and how things work. There's a LOT of stuff I learned in there "OH, you can do THAT?! COOL" sort of things that will help you in the main missions. How to move effectively, how and when to use melee attacks vs weapons, HEALING (slightly important since there is a sequence to prepare this, it is not automatic), shortcut keys to perform certain actions (like fill your healing), etc... You also earn skill points that, though skills are separate from the main game, the points are shared so you can earn them via Mercenaries.
Yes, the camera is a problem compared to previous versions, though it is not unusual for the series
They also made the controls pretty much "action game" instead of the standard RE functions, which is sort of good and bad. It works because most are used to them, but in RE, the same controls as before were sort of expected.
The game overall is good, but there are a few stupid spots, where they sort of tried to incorporate another gameplay type (like high speed vehicles) and it those sections really didn't work; it comes off as cheesy. Unlike previous games, there is little time to explore, this one is pretty much non-stop being attacked or going to the next checkpoint.
There are times where you are dying and get rescued at the worst possible second: as you were about to fire. That means as soon as you are able to recover, you are still dead because the thing that injured you in the first place is still standing right there. DUMB.
As you've already noticed, there are spots that give you NO indication of what you are supposed to do, so you either die 10 times before figuring it out or wander around until you find whatever it is. And more than once I have run into a situation where I had no ammo and the game didn't give me any more to fight an enemy that there is simply no possible way to attack any other way.