Research Shows Bass Makes your Booty Shake



Audioholics Master Chief
This “AV Quick Takes” series offers a brief look at what’s new, cool, and/or interesting in the AV world.
Today we look at a scientific study analyzing the relationship between very-low-frequency sound and dancing at a live concert. Research has shown that people danced 11.8% more when the very-low-frequency bass was present. Read on to learn more.


Read: Bass Makes the Booty Shake


Seriously, I have no life.
This “AV Quick Takes” series offers a brief look at what’s new, cool, and/or interesting in the AV world.
Today we look at a scientific study analyzing the relationship between very-low-frequency sound and dancing at a live concert. Research has shown that people danced 11.8% more when the very-low-frequency bass was present. Read on to learn more.

View attachment 60925

Read: Bass Makes the Booty Shake
Again Flanders and Swan nailed in in the fifties pre stereo in their "Song of Reproduction." There is a reference to woofers and "Flutter on your Bottom!


Audioholic General
Must be why Gene is in pretty decent shape !
Skye ezer

Skye ezer

This “AV Quick Takes” series offers a brief look at what’s new, cool, and/or interesting in the AV world.
Today we look at a scientific study analyzing the relationship between very-low-frequency sound and dancing at a live concert. Research has shown that people danced 11.8% more when the very-low-frequency bass was present. Read on to learn more.

View attachment 60925

Read: Bass Makes the Booty Shake

I think I need to urgently get to some concert where there will be a lot of students and participate in this interesting experiment. I'll call all my acquaintances and suggest using to gather more of us. So they won't say they're busy as usual, but simply buy assignment and find time to meet up.
Wow, turns out I'm a science fan now. Just hand me some low-frequency and a couple of beers to fully experience this scientific miracle!
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Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
Erin’s audio corner just had a live stream with an English speaker designer that said hi-fi was invented to get girls into the bedroom. Connecting to this article it all makes sense. Things my Dad never knew or never told me.


Audioholic Intern
The beginning of Blade Runner 2049 gets my wife out of the chair…. But it’s to scream from the top of the basement stairs to turn it down.

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