Hi, Chessie. That's awesome that insurance covered the 709! I think that you'll enjoy the new features.
Naming of inputs on receivers is for convenience, but you can use them interchangeably (except for the PHONO input which is amplified differently). Now, here's the beautiful thing - you can assign the HDMI and optical jacks to different inputs, and you change the name of the inputs. Ahhh, yeah.
Page 44 of the owner's manual for the 709 begins the discussion of assigning the jacks to different input selections. Page 52 begins the discussion of setting up sources, with editing names discussed on Page 53.
So, to sum up - you can assign the TV/CD (or the "GAME") optical input on the back panel to some other source input selection (such as "CBL/SAT"). Whichever source you pick, that's the button that you'll push on the remote to listen to the TV. If you prefer the receiver front panel to say "TV" or the like instead of "CBL/SAT" (in this example), you can set the receiver up to say that.
I've done that myself on my Pioneer. I have my MacBook connected to an optical input assigned to my "CD" input, but I've edited the name to say "Mac" on the front panel when I select it. I still have to push "CD" on the remote control, but the front panel confirms that I've selected the Mac.