IMHO he would be better off with a pair of Ascend Acoustics CMT-340 SEs than EITHER plus he'll have money left in his pocket...
CMT-340 SE Mini-Tower Loudspeaker
That Infinity PC351BK center though looks nice. The mid range drivers remind me of Tangband W4-1337WD or Zaph's mid though I doubt it as it's $65 bucks EACH and there is no way a $300 dollar speaker has that high a calibre drivers in it.
BTW there is something seriously wrong with your gear if the HK rig sounds better.
Are you using cheap transport IE DVD player? I bet your feeding the HK an SP/DIF signal and then the converters in the AVR are being used. I bet when you use the same player with the USP-1 your using it's ANALOG outs thus it's SHITTY CONVERTERS I/V and single ended circuit and prob have it hooked up with boxed CRAP RCA cables...
other than component failure in the XPA-2 or USP-1
100% PEKCAK due to lack of understanding of the "audio chain"... your transport chain... or something is seriously wrong with the Emo gear.
You can't tell me it's his ears!
Take the pre outs from the HK AVR and jack them into the XPA-2. Does it still sound better than the USP-1 !?!
you just discovered something guy guy...
Instead of selling off your emo gear you should be buying MORE... like their CD player for example or get a decent DAC! Your transport should be a PC with a decent DAC DUDE!
As a side note and rant, IMHO anybody farting around with LPs or even CDs for that matter outta get their heads examined... It's the 21st century haven't you guys heard of DACs and computers! owh right you tried that and it sounds horrible right... mp3s PC audio sucks right... you ripped it with iTunes (Fraunhofer encoder crap) in CBR 128 and your output converter/source/transport was a mini pin to RCA cable OUTTA YOU iMAC headphone jack you DUMMY!!!
If I only had a dollar for every 55+ old school audio guys (and 20-30 plus LUDDITE/technoweenie/liberal arts types/macheads) that thought these things and have been brainwashed into believing it... whilst they drop $1k on a friggin stylus or can't cue-up a party mix at their house during a GTG/party.
Seriously how do you guys even find tracks to play? Memorize the track numbers! I seriously don't get it...
Playing music without meta data is like using digital TV without a friggin onscreen TV guide!
PS I find it AMAZING other A/V guys wouldn't clue in right away it's the converters in his transport... to be into this stuff and not spot that right away tells me you haven't even graduated past grade 1 in understanding this stuff and you sure as hell shouldn't be doing it for a living. Or took a $2k weekend CEDIA cert course... hahahhah LOL ROTFLMFAO to have 2k plus posts and not spot this... and be into it... you're an id__t