Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
Some of you guys don't go over to AVS much and I know John wanted to chime in on this one, so here goes...

Hi All,

I got a chance last week to try out a piece of great gear, a friend’s new DD15. While he’s away in Europe, I was able to take his new toy out of the box, plug it into my system and find out what you Velo guys don’t talk about all that much , except on the Support or EQ threads. I’m very interested in EQ, had seen the DD software demonstrated and started drooling about getting to try this guy.

First off, idiot proof packing, sub in plastic and cloth wrapping, accessory box w/ microphone, 25’ XLR cable, mic stand, 25’ L&R analog audio cable for EQ out connection, 25’ video cable for connection to TV or monitor, remote and easy to understand and comprehensive manual. The sub’s finish is superb White Maple veneer (I assume) it looks and feels like solid wood, but I guess that’s not likely. I expected it to be huge, but it really is a very compact package for a 15” sub. The grille is silver and very solid. It goes with absolutely nothing in my house , but I’ll forgive it, because it sounds wonderful. Weighs in at 100lbs and the entire presentation shouts class.

Last Friday night I was supposed to have time to myself to setup this puppy, but one of my son’s showed up with a friend wanting to watch a movie. I was on Pg 1 of the manual, so I went through the Quick Start steps. Self EQ, in my one possible placement option, let the software do it’s thing, did a quick SPL meter calibration and let her rip. I wasn’t close to flat, but my audience was impatient. It took me about 15 minutes.

Played a couple of Deadwing cuts, which sounded about the same (I have a decent sub), but very clean and with the EQ, I heard the mid bass and upper bass better.. The movie the kids wanted to see was Domino, not too bad, constant LFE and prevalent bass. I calibrated about 5dbs hot (where the music sounded best). Well that was just too much. Had to turn it down 3 times during the movie. Definitely a "Wow factor". Never sounded distorted or boomy, just needed to blend it better. It's an extremely powerful toy.

Next day, I started over… Played with it for 3 hours...2 of which were very frustrating because I neglected to hook up the EQ out to the receiver and could only activate Self/EQ. A friend finally clued me in. Once done, it was a snap to balance my mains and go to the Manual EQ stage. Self/EQ did a fairly decent job. Below 36 hz I have tremendous room gain, so basically the bottom 3 sliders were cut to -13 to flatten it out from 15-50. From 50-60hz there is a significant drop off. Fully boosted at 50 and 63, there still about a 7-8db valley. Looks like I have another room node at 100 and 200. Manually, I was able to even things out everywhere but the big nodes at 50 and 200 by adjusting the slider Q and phase. Right then it sounded very good. Extremely powerful, clean and accurate.

The sub is between my RF and entertainment center about 8" off the wall. My room is 18x14x7.5 with a 5' opening into the dining area/kitchen. The system is facing away from the opening into the longer dimension. The front soundstage is slightly corner loaded on the 9' wall to maximize our L shaped seating. The only other option I have would be to place the sub in one of the 3 other corners. Placing the mic more toward the corner of my seating, which is really were I sit mostly, took away most of the valley at 50hz, so I was able to get flat without the extreme boost in the 48-65hz. I also boosted 25-28hz and 31.5 slightly (still in the negative though).

The learning curve is not steep, the manual is very straight forward, had I not had a few “senior” moments, I would have been manually EQ’d (1st rev) in under 30 minutes (including reading the manual). The interface and remote are very user friendly.

Over the last few days, I’ve only done limited tweaking. I have changed placement slightly, moving it away from the wall about 8”. I have achieved +/- flatness and I’ve experimented with the pre-sets.

I’ve watched a couple movies and played just about all the musical content I could over these few hours. Without question this is a very musical subwoofer. Some content sounds the best I’ve ever heard it. With other content, I’m having to get used to what “flat” sounds like. I may prefer a contoured sound. That’s really one of the most powerful features of the DD software, you can EQ to taste. These are subjective impressions, but this sub easily hits spec to my ears from 15 – rolloff. It’s extremely powerful 1250w RMS amp is currently set at 20 gain, receiver at –9. It pressurizes the entire 7000 cubic feet of the front 3 rooms of my house. For movies and TV, I have inconsistent impressions. It all sounds great, but sometimes it seems I’m getting more impact others less. This I’m sure is due to having an EQ’d sub, what I'm used to and maybe something to do with the sub itself. I don’t think it’s designed for the “Oops, I think I just crapped myself response”…well maybe some of that. This is not a knock at all. I'm still new to this. I'm feeling like I'm going to hate packing up this guy and giving it back.

Pardon me for rambling on, this is a weeks worth of impression. I’ll throw up some pics if anybody wants them. I’ve invited some folks over to listen to several subs next weekend. I hope to get some pointers to what I should try with this temporary toy and what I should listen to and for with an EQ’d sub.

One thing for sure, an SMS or BFD is in my near future.


Seriously, I have no life.
Ron Temple said:
Some of you guys don't go over to AVS much and I know John wanted to chime in on this one, so here goes...

Hi All,

I got a chance last week to try out a piece of great gear, a friend’s new DD15. While he’s away in Europe, I was able to take his new toy out of the box, plug it into my system and find out what you Velo guys don’t talk about all that much , except on the Support or EQ threads. I’m very interested in EQ, had seen the DD software demonstrated and started drooling about getting to try this guy.

First off, idiot proof packing, sub in plastic and cloth wrapping, accessory box w/ microphone, 25’ XLR cable, mic stand, 25’ L&R analog audio cable for EQ out connection, 25’ video cable for connection to TV or monitor, remote and easy to understand and comprehensive manual. The sub’s finish is superb White Maple veneer (I assume) it looks and feels like solid wood, but I guess that’s not likely. I expected it to be huge, but it really is a very compact package for a 15” sub. The grille is silver and very solid. It goes with absolutely nothing in my house , but I’ll forgive it, because it sounds wonderful. Weighs in at 100lbs and the entire presentation shouts class.

Last Friday night I was supposed to have time to myself to setup this puppy, but one of my son’s showed up with a friend wanting to watch a movie. I was on Pg 1 of the manual, so I went through the Quick Start steps. Self EQ, in my one possible placement option, let the software do it’s thing, did a quick SPL meter calibration and let her rip. I wasn’t close to flat, but my audience was impatient. It took me about 15 minutes.

Played a couple of Deadwing cuts, which sounded about the same (I have a decent sub), but very clean and with the EQ, I heard the mid bass and upper bass better.. The movie the kids wanted to see was Domino, not too bad, constant LFE and prevalent bass. I calibrated about 5dbs hot (where the music sounded best). Well that was just too much. Had to turn it down 3 times during the movie. Definitely a "Wow factor". Never sounded distorted or boomy, just needed to blend it better. It's an extremely powerful toy.

Next day, I started over… Played with it for 3 hours...2 of which were very frustrating because I neglected to hook up the EQ out to the receiver and could only activate Self/EQ. A friend finally clued me in. Once done, it was a snap to balance my mains and go to the Manual EQ stage. Self/EQ did a fairly decent job. Below 36 hz I have tremendous room gain, so basically the bottom 3 sliders were cut to -13 to flatten it out from 15-50. From 50-60hz there is a significant drop off. Fully boosted at 50 and 63, there still about a 7-8db valley. Looks like I have another room node at 100 and 200. Manually, I was able to even things out everywhere but the big nodes at 50 and 200 by adjusting the slider Q and phase. Right then it sounded very good. Extremely powerful, clean and accurate.

The sub is between my RF and entertainment center about 8" off the wall. My room is 18x14x7.5 with a 5' opening into the dining area/kitchen. The system is facing away from the opening into the longer dimension. The front soundstage is slightly corner loaded on the 9' wall to maximize our L shaped seating. The only other option I have would be to place the sub in one of the 3 other corners. Placing the mic more toward the corner of my seating, which is really were I sit mostly, took away most of the valley at 50hz, so I was able to get flat without the extreme boost in the 48-65hz. I also boosted 25-28hz and 31.5 slightly (still in the negative though).

The learning curve is not steep, the manual is very straight forward, had I not had a few “senior” moments, I would have been manually EQ’d (1st rev) in under 30 minutes (including reading the manual). The interface and remote are very user friendly.

Over the last few days, I’ve only done limited tweaking. I have changed placement slightly, moving it away from the wall about 8”. I have achieved +/- flatness and I’ve experimented with the pre-sets.

I’ve watched a couple movies and played just about all the musical content I could over these few hours. Without question this is a very musical subwoofer. Some content sounds the best I’ve ever heard it. With other content, I’m having to get used to what “flat” sounds like. I may prefer a contoured sound. That’s really one of the most powerful features of the DD software, you can EQ to taste. These are subjective impressions, but this sub easily hits spec to my ears from 15 – rolloff. It’s extremely powerful 1250w RMS amp is currently set at 20 gain, receiver at –9. It pressurizes the entire 7000 cubic feet of the front 3 rooms of my house. For movies and TV, I have inconsistent impressions. It all sounds great, but sometimes it seems I’m getting more impact others less. This I’m sure is due to having an EQ’d sub, what I'm used to and maybe something to do with the sub itself. I don’t think it’s designed for the “Oops, I think I just crapped myself response”…well maybe some of that. This is not a knock at all. I'm still new to this. I'm feeling like I'm going to hate packing up this guy and giving it back.

Pardon me for rambling on, this is a weeks worth of impression. I’ll throw up some pics if anybody wants them. I’ve invited some folks over to listen to several subs next weekend. I hope to get some pointers to what I should try with this temporary toy and what I should listen to and for with an EQ’d sub.

One thing for sure, an SMS or BFD is in my near future.
Thanks for this review:)

Could the quality of the software may be an issue in how consistent this sounded? Depending on how well the lows are recorded in a properly EQ monitoring setup, it can make a world of difference. Here you are, you EQ that sub, yet a recording studio is way off or different, not to mention the next studio off in another direction. You have no reference yardstick to measure against:D


Audioholic Chief
I also have the DD15;)

Some great DVD scenes:
War of the worlds, when the alien machines come out of the ground:D plus when they're walking to the hill where the battle is going on(where his son leaves them) there's some great distant cannon thuds
Spiderman 2, both scenes that the sun-power machine is powered up
Underworld, the first gunfight scene. They fire an automatic, you can feel every single shot(very quick and tight)
Flight of the Pheonix, The crash scene:D :D
Alien Vs Predator, When the crew get to the site the predator ship flies over one guys head and he didn't see it, real low bass:cool:
Titan AE, heaps of great bass scenes

Eagles, Hotel California DVD-A album, nice clean bass

Crank it and have some fun:)
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Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
mtrycrafts said:
Thanks for this review:)

Could the quality of the software may be an issue in how consistent this sounded? Depending on how well the lows are recorded in a properly EQ monitoring setup, it can make a world of difference. Here you are, you EQ that sub, yet a recording studio is way off or different, not to mention the next studio off in another direction. You have no reference yardstick to measure against:D
Not sure if I understand your question regarding the DD software and studio mixes. But I surely agree that different sources sound good or bad, notwithstanding equipment. The example that struck me most recently was I was watching CSI NY in HD the other night on the Velo. They have fairly prevalent LFE tracks and I was in awe of what the Velo was producing. I' enjoy the CSI TV shows 5.1 mixes. This was amazing for broadcast TV. Yet the DTS the Haunting, while sounding great, didn't impress me as much as another sub I've heard. Different accents, differing qualities. I think it's my ears, tastes and experience.

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
MACCA350 said:
I also have the DD15;)

Some great DVD scenes:
War of the worlds, when the alien machines come out of the ground:D plus when they're walking to the hill where the battle is going on(where his son leaves them) there's some great distant cannon thuds
Spiderman 2, both scenes that the sun-power machine is powered up
Underworld, the first gunfight scene. They fire an automatic, you can feel every single shot(very quick and tight)
Flight of the Pheonix, The crash scene:D :D
Alien Vs Predator, When the crew get to the site the predator ship flies over one guys head and he didn't see it, real low bass:cool:
Titan AE, heaps of great bass scenes

Eagles, Hotel California DVD-A album, nice clean bass

Crank it and have some fun:)
Since you're down under, do you have to reverse polarity?:D

Thanks for the recs, seen them all, own a few. There is so much content to cover in the 3 weeks until my guy gets back. Don't know where to start.


Audioholic Chief
Since you're down under, do you have to reverse polarity?:D
Yea, and have it placed Upsidedown for the sound to come out Rightsideup;) :D


What is the propose of the microphone? recordings?


Audioholic Chief
And the cats thinking 'Hmmm...look, my new scratching post':eek: :D


Full Audioholic
AzN_plyR said:
What is the propose of the microphone? recordings?
The DD subs include a on-screen automatic parametric EQ for the bass band. You connect the mic to it and it completely flattens your bass response for your room acoustics. It's an amazing system.

For a good desciption of how it works, look at the http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_12_4/velodyne-sms1-digital-drive-sub-manager-12-2005-part-1.html review of the SMS-1. The functionality of SMS-1 comes with every Velodyne DD series sub (so if you buy a DD-15, you get a SMS-1 built in). The separate SMS-1 unit itself (not the one built into the DD-15) can be used with any other brand sub

I bought an SMS-1, and it works so well that it has made me into a Velodyne fan. Until you've heard a properly EQ'ed sub, bass will never been as accurate.

Awesome sub this DD-15.....hmmm, maybe someday
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Audioholic General
Too bad you did not have time to test other placement options.

I am sure, with time, you could have gotten a flatter response without so much EQ.

I really have become a fan of subs with position feedback servos. The dramatic reduction in distortion over conventional designs is amazing.

The DD15 is a great subwoofer, and for most folks would be more than enough sub that performs better than most of its competitors in its design and size class.

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
Moving the sub out from the wall about a foot allowed me to get flat at the LP +/- 3db. I'm not fanatic enough about this to worry about the EQ I've put on the unit. There's more than enough headroom.

The software is indeed extremely powerful. For the curious, you place the mic in your LP, you connect to your receiver via analog EQ out then connect to your TV/Monitor. An OSD pops up, you enter the program either Self/EQ or Auto/Manual. Self EQ is 25 20hz-200hz sweeps, with a visible graph showing your FR. The program will adjust the EQ sliders and do a decent job of flattening your room response. Great for a Quick Start like I needed. Manual EQ is where you can make larger and finer adjustments. I'll set it up again and snap some pics this weekend.

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
MACCA350 said:
And the cats thinking 'Hmmm...look, my new scratching post':eek: :D
The cat(s) are curious, but this and my other sub keep them cautious, they remember them on:D


Audioholic Jedi
Very nice write up Ron :) I'd have to say my impression of this guy was that it is a very nice sub. The first thing I noticed was that it is much smaller than I expected for a 15" (especially considering mine). The EQ portion is fairly straight forward and seems quite easy to use - no brainer in Auto, and still easy enough to figure out to make manual adjustments. Even without reading the manual, it was not hard to poke around the adjustments and figure out how to use it and what most things do.

Sound wise, with the EQ it is quite flat, which is both good and bad, as even their preset "genre" settings use very different curves tailored to different types of listening - and they seemed to work well. When we tweaked this guy to get it as flat as possible, it did affect the sound somewhat - now it was flat, but it seemed to give up a little "life" for lack of a better term. It wasn't as dynamic, except when it came to the really low stuff. I don't know if it is the fact that it is sealed or Ron's room, or maybe the seemingly small enclosure, or all of these things together, but I wasn't quite as blown away by this guy as I was expecting. I was sufficiently impressed with the build quality and the EQ thouugh. I like the fact that it is very tight and it sounds great with music - almost disappearing it blends so well. Not a hint of boom or bloom or any sign of distortion.

Thanks to Ron for letting me come listen to it and for the nice write up :D

Ron Temple

Senior Audioholic
j_garcia said:
Very nice write up Ron :) I'd have to say my impression of this guy was that it is a very nice sub. The first thing I noticed was that it is much smaller than I expected for a 15" (especially considering mine). The EQ portion is fairly straight forward and seems quite easy to use - no brainer in Auto, and still easy enough to figure out to make manual adjustments. Even without reading the manual, it was not hard to poke around the adjustments and figure out how to use it and what most things do.

Sound wise, with the EQ it is quite flat, which is both good and bad, as even their preset "genre" settings use very different curves tailored to different types of listening - and they seemed to work well. When we tweaked this guy to get it as flat as possible, it did affect the sound somewhat - now it was flat, but it seemed to give up a little "life" for lack of a better term. It wasn't as dynamic, except when it came to the really low stuff. I don't know if it is the fact that it is sealed or Ron's room, or maybe the seemingly small enclosure, or all of these things together, but I wasn't quite as blown away by this guy as I was expecting. I was sufficiently impressed with the build quality and the EQ thouugh. I like the fact that it is very tight and it sounds great with music - almost disappearing it blends so well. Not a hint of boom or bloom or any sign of distortion.

Thanks to Ron for letting me come listen to it and for the nice write up :D
Thanks John, I've listened to quite a bit more content and it's quite a lot flatter. There is, as I've said, some content that will absolutely blow you away. It is all the factors, you've stated, room, sub, EQ and what we each have to compare it too. Which also, can easily impress.

Do it again next weekend...:D


warpdrive said:
The DD subs include a on-screen automatic parametric EQ for the bass band. You connect the mic to it and it completely flattens your bass response for your room acoustics. It's an amazing system.

For a good desciption of how it works, look at the http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_12_4/velodyne-sms1-digital-drive-sub-manager-12-2005-part-1.html review of the SMS-1. The functionality of SMS-1 comes with every Velodyne DD series sub (so if you buy a DD-15, you get a SMS-1 built in). The separate SMS-1 unit itself (not the one built into the DD-15) can be used with any other brand sub

I bought an SMS-1, and it works so well that it has made me into a Velodyne fan. Until you've heard a properly EQ'ed sub, bass will never been as accurate.

Awesome sub this DD-15.....hmmm, maybe someday

lol, thank you. I was interested in a DD series until I saw the price lol.


Audioholic Chief
Here's a review of the DD18. The DD15 and DD18 are identical except for cone and box size. The DD15 even uses the same 24lb magnet structure as the DD18.

The DD15 has more than enough dynamics, you just need the right source material. Some people say they don't sound loud, this is because there is little harmonic distortion, mine hits 123db at LP without breaking a sweat(and thats on 25% volume and full servo control) You cant hear a clean 20Hz tone but the house sounds like it going to fall down around you, the walls vibrate so bad you touch them and your finger bounces on the wall. A 10Hz tone has my windows rattling.

Here's an interview with Bruce Hall about the technology in the DD series.



I hope that none of my "friends" would unpack my new stuff and use it before I had the chance. :(


Audioholic Ninja
~JC~ said:
I hope that none of my "friends" would unpack my new stuff and use it before I had the chance. :(
You're a mean friend :(

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