Looks to me just eye-balling that your best bet is simply 3 242 panels for along the right wall. Eventually, you'll want to do the left but that can happen later. Right now, we're just trying to balance things. Don't expect miracles with the omonipoles though. They're just 'special' in terms of placement requirements.
You should catch the majority of the points with those and still have it look nice. Reflections are kind of an area thing too rather than a pinpoint - this should be fine.
As for the ordering, we appreciate it. Nothing special is required. I hang on the forums to help people and spread the word in general about getting your room right as a cost effective method of getting better performance. Some people buy from us, some buy from others, some DIY. As long as more people begin to understand how important doing the room is, all is good. I did this long before I started working for GIK (hang on the forums and try to help).