We've discussed that topic ad nauseum elsewhere, Chris, and no offense, but I don't intend to revisit it here. You cited some evicence, most of which was very old or completely inaccessible to me (ie no link or way to read it online). I'm not implying you made it up or anything, but I'm a skeptical person, and the mountain of evidence isn't there. There may in fact be no benefit to higher rates, but I'm not convinced yet either way.
You may in fact be correct, but there's no reason not to go with higher bit rates nowadays- 24 bit gear is common and storage is exceedingly cheap. IMOHO, having higher resolution will leave more margin for error- I have no evidence of this, but I speculate that if there's a difference in the sound of DACs it would be how accurately they reproduce the LSB. It would seem to me (again, based on reasoning, not evidence) that a cheap 24 bit DAC should offer better performance than a cheap 16 bit DAC (assuming 24 bit & 16 bit recordings, respectively). Therefore, I'd expect a cheap (in the engineering sense, not price) DVD-A player to sound better than a comparable Redbook CD player.
I'm not an engineer, and my conjectures therefore might be quite dubious- hell, they might be laughable. I'm sure you'll no doubt inform me if they are.

on paper, more bits & a higher sampling rate will capture more resolution, and until I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that no one is capable of hearing that information, I'd prefer we keep it. That's not reasonable, perhaps, but I think it's the most conservative approach.