Recommend system for low volume listening



I am looking to upgrade from a Panasonic HT700 HTIB. It simply lacks the depth of the old denon receiver + polk bookshelves that I had before my wife decided to garage sell them for $100.

Anyway, the main thing I'm looking for is a 5.1 system that sounds right at low volume levels. I rarely turn the HT700 above it's -20db setting. Typical is around -36db setting. At that level I can hear my infant crying in her room ~50ft away.

But the HT700 just doesn't sound right - no depth. And it's way worse at low volume.

Any recommendations for a full system? Most I can spend on DVD+Receiver+Speakers is around $1500-$2000.

I don't care if it doesn't work at all at music levels that require a raised voice to talk in the room. So, willing to compromise if that's an issue. Anyone with help for a total newb?




Oh, yeah. Typical usage. TV - 50%, Movies - 30%, Music - 20%.

Need improved dialog at low volume. Can't hear well over effects currently and have to add in sound from TV speakers to augment dialog. Bleh.

But I care the most about music quality. That's where I miss the ability to hear the subtle parts of the song. Mostly 80's pop - U2, sting, etc.


Audioholic General
A decent system might look something like this:

Receiver- looking for something that will give you decent HT and decent sound on a budget. A good 6.1 receiver with about 100 watts will set you up. Yamaha is particularly good at movies and is pretty simple to set up. Sony is probably easier to use, but won't sound as good.

can go with this one, which is an excellent value ($250 shipped)

or if you don't mind taking a little risk for some good savings:

DVD player- we will try to take advantage of a couple of things here. Since you didn't give any information about the TV, I don't know if you have an HDMI input or not. We are trying to get the best possible picture.
I recommend you get a universal player, so you can do SACD or DVD-audio in the future if you want.

If you will have an HDMI input, then this is the way to go. It gives you upconversion on the picture and multichannel music for about $ 260 shipped:

Another choice would be one step down, losing the upconversion, but still having a DVI output (keep in mind that DVI and HDMI are the same video signal, except that HDMI also carries sound). It's about $ 170 shipped

A nice extra about the Samsung units is they ship decent quality cables with all their products, so you won't have to pay $ 100 for an HDMI or DVI or component cable. Either unit will give you 480, 720, and 1080 output to the TV.

As far as speakers, don't buy Bose, especially don't buy a Bose system. You simply will not get the sound you are looking for and you can spend alot less for better quality.

Front speakers- these will carry all your stereo music, so we're going to spend a little ($230 for the pair each shipped) here: (upgrade to the FS-2 if you want floorstanders and can go $ 600 for the pair)

Center Speaker- need to voice-match to the mains ($180 shipped).

Rear speakers ($ 125 each)-

Some Best Buy stores will have the Athena products. Other good speaker brands at this price range include Polk Audio and Infinity, both of which can be demo'd at the local Circuit City.

Sub- most people say to not scrimp on the sub, but it doesn't sound like you plan to be using U-571 to make the baby's cradle rock. there's two very decent, affordable options. I have one of these in my bedroom HT and it sounds perfectly great to me ($150 shipped):

a second choice (one that has been getting some really good press in posts here lately) is the Dayton unit, probably also $ 150 shipped

This leaves us needing to get a Toslink (fiber optic) cable from the DVD player to the receiver, a subwoofer cable, and some speaker wire.

for the Toslink, one of these ($ 10)

or $ 30 if you want a really nice one

you will need one or two rolls of this for the rears ($ 14 a roll):

a roll of this for the fronts ($ 23 a roll, though you could use left-over from above):

and a sub cable. this one already has the Y on the end, which seems to make any sub sound just a little bit better (and the $ 5 price tag is nice too).

A package like this would put you in the $ 1400 range, but you can probably trim a little with some aggressive internet pricing. It's solid, easily upgradeable, and can always be rolled into your bedroom (or your kid's college dorm room) somewhere down the road should you replace things. If you want to spend a little more, get better fronts and a better sub.

Oh doggone it, I almost forgot. There's two more items you MUST have !!

one of these:

and this:

everything else is optional. :)

(freely plagiarized from an earlier post by, umm, myself :D )


Your complaints (no depth,subtle parts of song), to me, sound like a speaker issue. Although it won't hurt to upgrade everything, I'd put most of the money in your speakers. That's where your biggest differences are going to be.

Also, I think most receivers have a "Midnight mode", which lowers the overall volume and thump from sub, and keeps it sounding good.
Good luck, and keep us posted? :)


Thanks for the input.

So from what I'm hearing, there really isn't anything special about a system for listening at low volume. I'll look for a receiver with night mode.

But if I understand correctly, good receiver and speakers will work just as well for me as they do for someone who listens closer to reference level. Is that correct?
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
Human hearing is non-linear...

...lowering the volume, and hence the SPLs, affects how the ear hears frequency extremes...Google Fletcher-Munson and follow-up research...that's why they came up with loudness/tone controls...

jimHJJ(...use 'em ifn ya gots 'em...)

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