
<font color='#000000'>I'm looking to buy a new AV.
I'm looking at HK AVR 525, Onkyo, Marantz.
$800 or less.
Mostly RnR/RnB, but jazz, classical too.
no metal or hip hop or dance.
I'm also looking for a tube phono pre.
Wright, Bottleheads, Philly, Gram Amp, Audio Electronic.
Speakers will probably be Cambridge, Axiom, NHT or the like.</font>


Republican Poster Boy
<font color='#000000'>Go listen to a Denon, I just recently sold a Marantz AV 560 pre/pro with an Adcom 5 channel amp. I could not believe how Good the Denon sounds. I never thought I would say that a receiver could sound as good or better than separates but the Denon's do. I have the 2803 and I paid $675 for it The 3803 is an even better choice. I loved my Adcom amp and was very skeptical, but the Denon was a lot better in every way. With receivers like the 5803 out there I am not sure I will ever go to separates again. Give them a listen and compare feature for feature before you buy. The HK and Marantz are good choices but you will get more for your money with a Denon.</font>

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