I am new to HTs. So far I've had 2.1, and now thinking about 5.1.
Yesterday I bought 2 towers (to be front speakers) and one center speaker. Here are my observations:
Music through the towers only, in stereo mode, sounds fantastic. Really better than my original 2.1.
After adding speakers and switching the receiver to a surround mode - the majority of music (~90%) is still coming from the front speakers. But what really bad is that it seems that the rear speakers are not actually adding, it feels like they are kind-of "stealing" something from the front speakers. In other words, the towers don't shine as much as they do in stereo mode. Besides, I don't feel that "surround" effect much.
First I thought maybe the problem is with rear speakers, they might be not good. So I switched rear with front speakers - now the towers are my rear speakers. Still, I hear most of the music is coming from the front speakers. Yes, towers are better as rear speakers, but by really little.
It might be that the problem is with how the receiver distributes the sound among the speakers. I configured it so the towers are A, and the other pair is B - so by playing A and B together, in stereo mode, I can hear both pairs clearly, but it feels like they are now competing: each pair is trying to outshine the other. Besides, this is stereo mode, not a surround, so all sound effects in 5.1 movies won't stand out.
So I was wondering what suggestions do you guys have? So far it certainly feels that stereo is a winner, and I can't figure out if rear speakers are really needed.
Thanks in advance,