Really Strange Fault



Audioholic Spartan
Yes, I get that part. It is just one of the many connections adding to the unfortunate mess back there. Legacy devices can really fill up a space with so many analog connections.

If changing channel output was a feature of the SACD/universal player or AVP in use here over HDMI, there would be just the one wire connecting the two of them. The player would also need to support DSD over HDMI.
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Audioholic Jedi
Yes, I get that part. It is just one of the many connections adding to the unfortunate mess back there. Legacy devices can really fill up a space with so many analog connections.

If changing channel output was a feature of the SACD/universal player or AVP in use here over HDMI, there would be just the one wire connecting the two of them. The player would also need to support DSD over HDMI.
You have a point, it does add wiring.

However I have made an interesting discovery which has surprised me. I have been playing my SACDs on my Sony Universal player via DSD over HDMI.

Well I have just put is a disc I played yesterday, it is a BIS SACD. When I play it on the old Marantz DV9600 via analog 7.1 it sounds significantly better. There is no doubt about it.


Audioholic Spartan
That is interesting. What disc is it? What are the output settings of the Sony player? What sound mode was used for playback in the 7706?


Audioholic Jedi
That is interesting. What disc is it? What are the output settings of the Sony player? What sound mode was used for playback in the 7706?
7.1 analog for playback. That is what the 7706 says, but as you know SACD actually only supports 5.1. So the disc is actually playing in 5.1. The disc is from the complete Beethoven symphony set under Osmo Vanska with the Minnesota orchestra, recorded by the Swedish BIS label. This is from the time, when the UK Gramophone magazine awarded the Minnesota the title of Orchestra of the Year. It is an absolutely outstanding Beethoven symphony set. This disc is BIS SACD-1416.

These discs I know are mixed 5.1 but with the surround in the rear position not the side.

If you play the disc via HDMI then the rear become the sides. However I don't think this accounts entirely for the improvement in that in the 7.1 analog I have set to the three fronts the rears and the sub channel. May be these receiver DSD decoders are a bit io an afterthought as SACD is a dying format, if not dead. The fact is that it should never have seen the light of day. We have the Audiophools to thank for that, with their total misunderstanding of PCM. But that is another story.

My side speakers are my old location monitors from my radio broadcast days. They date 1984. They are really good speakers. The musicians would gather in the room to have a listen after the concert. Some of them were persistently trying to buy those speakers from me.

The rear backs have the longest genesis of any speaker I designed. The design was started in 1976. I would say it was about 13 to 14 years before I was really happy with them. We had an impromptu music club in Grand Forks and would go to each others homes. In the end they decided to always use my basement. Bob Carver came to Grand Forks to personally deliver and set up a set of his hybrid Ribbons ordered by one of our cardiologists. The cardiologist told him he had to those speakers now in the back of my room. He came on a Saturday afternoon and just loved those speakers. I thought he would never leave!

So those rear surrounds are way overkill, but the side surrounds are can also hold their own. So it must be optimal to have the speakers in the right place.

The recording companies are really reluctant to make demands on any speakers other than the front three and subs. I would really love to have some good antiphonal discs of Italian Renaissance antiphonal music to illustrate the possible. The fact that a prominent reviewer stated that Aho disc was unplayable did not help.


Audioholic Spartan
When using the Sony, was the 7706 in Direct mode? Multi Ch In? Dolby Surround?


Audioholic Spartan
If the 7706 was in Direct mode using the Sony, by pressing the “PURE” button on the remote control, all DSP and bass management would have been disabled. Set it to Multi Ch In mode for a Straight decode that will make use of DSP, bass management and Room correction. Though, I don’t think you like to use room correction and you probably have not set it up so it will not be enabled using a Straight decode.

I believe I was mistaken about Direct mode concerning DSD signals. If in Direct mode, it should display DSD Direct if it recognizes the incoming signal as DSD. If already in Multi Ch In mode, perhaps switching to DSD Direct may be your preference.


Audioholic Jedi
If the 7706 was in Direct mode using the Sony, by pressing the “PURE” button on the remote control, all DSP and bass management would have been disabled. Set it to Multi Ch In mode for a Straight decode that will make use of DSP, bass management and Room correction. Though, I don’t think you like to use room correction and you probably have not set it up so it will not be enabled using a Straight decode.

I believe I was mistaken about Direct mode concerning DSD signals. If in Direct mode, it should display DSD Direct if it recognizes the incoming signal as DSD. If already in Multi Ch In mode, perhaps switching to DSD Direct may be your preference.
I know it was not in pure mode. I will experiment more tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure you can not get it the way it was mixed without using the analog inputs and connecting the surround outputs to the the rear back inputs. So analog right,left, center, rear surrounds and sub inputs were connected. It sounded really good that way.

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