Common man a dream theater and only at 55K!? For a dream theater my main speakers would be double that alone! That is why it is a dream. Now even if I had the money would I actually buy
these I doubt it but they just look soo cool. I could sell my house and buy them. I wonder if they are water proof.
Well, that is just the Anthem separates, a few room treatments, 7.1 Paradigm Signature speakers, JVC projector and anamorphic lens, and a screen with power masking. I could easily spend that much on the room construction as well, but honestly, I can't see spending over $100k on an HT even if I was a millionaire. Maybe it is because I am an engineer who will most certainly not go past a certain point on the "diminishing rate of return" curve. The fact is that I listen to lots of music, but not in the HT - I don't think I would want/need $60k speakers for movies. She didn't ask me for my dream music system...
I would hope those things are waterproof. I am sure they sound amazing, but they are kind of ugly, IMO of course. I guess that doesn't matter - function over form all the way!
EDIT: What? $135k a pair?

Nope, I definitely could never do that, even if I won the Powerball. But that is just me.