Bob, folks are reaching out to you in their own ways and you seem to be dissing what people are saying. Please Bob for your own sake stop the confrontation with everyone. It seems as if when folks don't agree with you or make suggestions as to how you can stop losing points you take offense to these thoughts. Relax bro this is an open forum,everyone is NOT going to agree with you all the time.And IMO stop taking everything so personal like its been said its just a forum don't get bent out of shape....just trying to help the situation Bob.Have a great day.
Thanks Jamie, I appreciate your nice tone. But you do have to understand that I don't have your seniority. So this is newer to me, and the way some people are reaching is to make a quick and wrong judgement about me, yourself included (remember), and people don't forgive or admit their mistake.
I can see this very clearly, and if I don't express this, I'm a big looser. Everyone needs a constant education, including myself, but I will fight to my last drop of blood to see justice prevails. I'm a fighter and when I see somethings' wrong, I need to fix it to the end of my line. That's who I am, it's running deep through my veins. I got to control myself with my words, but my heart is pumping furious at the stupidity of few bad apples.
Man!, it's a good thing I'm not a mod or better yet the chief administrator.
But then I can 100% related with them, there are just too many loose cannons that talk about nothing in threads like these. And when I want to join the party, some punk kids ask me my club membership.
Jamie, I see you don't get the full picture, or do you? Do you take the time to follow things here??? I hope not, it is the boring thread, remember.
It is a place where people come to relax and let go.
WTF then, people have to judge my way of letting go?????
Answer that if you can.
That ain't ny fault if 3 headbangers cannot see my style, or don't like it.
If I start at banging at all the froots that I don't like, I'll be the biggest fool of this thread.
Anyway, I did let go for about, what, six, seven times now. Is anyone yet that made a mistake even try to fix it???
Sorry, I didn't see that happening, even from you Jamie.
Do you see me arguing in general in the places where I really hang?
Of course not. I found this Really Boring Stuff thread to be a good place to express all type of boring stuff.
Is there a problem with that.
What can people really do to me that will change in this Boring thread?
Give me a bad rap?
I'm not asking people to agree with me, there are enough of them that already do. Just check my posts and my PM box.
What I also found ver boring is people with no background, as if they feel protected by hiding (age, job, hobbies, sports, place of living, experience in life, etc.) For me, the internet is an open place, just like you said it so well yourself, and just like you, I'm not shy to say what I think, but I just have to be careful with the choice of my words (I can see you and me, Jamie, when we're real piss

), so I don't hurt no one. But it's our freedom of speech, it's our right, it's our duty to denunciate injustice (Monster Cables), to educated the uneducated, to take action against oppression, wrongfulness, exploitation, greed,... It's our responsablity to be men with brains and fix the broken system, because if we don't do it, not only nobody else will, but the vice will go on forever, till someone put a stop to insanity.
I'm not talking about chicklets here Jamie, I'm talking about all avenues of life, in our day to day living. And it just happen that I found this thread about a week ago, like Adam said (not this Adam, the other one), and I decided to read it first, and join it for the nonsense and hilarious jokes about eveything and nothing. Got my drift? But no, some people this morning (3 bozos) tooh the easy opportunity to get it all wrong and get serious with their red chicklets attacks. I shoud say 3 cowards (gosh I hate the meaning of that word, it smell like spam).
So, Jamie, I cannot say what's on my mind, according to who, you, or what you believe is wrong? People use chicklets to based their life on and feeling better about themselves, or for accumulating them or to seeek destruction or revenge based on a bunch of false values. I want to see that system out of the system, and I won't quit till it does. Nothing against people here, it's the system I'm oppose to, because it's that very system that disbalance the true values of these same people.
I will persist in this goal till I succeed, and if not, at least i would have give my best shot, and for me, it's very worth it, so much so, that my finger is bleeding now (remember, I only type with one finger, and if you don't believe me, just look at the time from my last post before this one).
Jamie, two times, you ask me, "Bob, do you sleep?", I said yes, but I hate sleeping, it's a waste of time, but you do need arest sometimes, this I admit, and in particular, when I was planting trees for almost 30 years (I then really needed my sleep), I was getting up at 4:00 a.m. for 30 years!

And working like a bull.
But now, that I am handicap by the ravageries and injuries of my work, and that I discover the internet from a computer for the very first time of my life, last february, I spent sometimes over 100 hours non-stop on front of my screen; reading, typing, posting, surfing, checking, different sites (mainly audio, it's my passion after all and I'm a Bluesman), ftake care of many people in my life; from my family, son, parents, brothers and sisters (I got two of each), cats, dogs, birds, my about 10 memberships at different audio forums, my nieces an nephews, my deer love one, my music, my systems, my guitars, and all that comes with life when you're in love with it.
... Just a sec. I'll go put a bandage (Elastoplast) on my bleeding finger...
Dam, I have to use two of them.

My keyboard will need a good clean up too with all that blood and stickyness; it's like typing in slow-mo or judding effect like my finger is pulling the keys off the board. Might is well get a new keyboard I guess.
Anyway, what was I saying? Funny that I say that cause I really don't remember now! Phew! Family? Right? Ya, family, we are a big family here and we need to help the ones in need, like your own brothers and sisters (what have you done for them lately?), and if we don't, it's like letting them sinking in their own blood till they suffocate from it and cannot even vomit it because it coagulated.
So, that's what I'm talking about here, and this system is absolutely flaw and it brings more harm than good. And if you don't fix a flaw system, you family is suffering and dying slowly but surely. And this I won't tolerate or accept.
If I do, I'm a walking dead on this planet and it's not worth living.
Ok, that's all what I have to say for now. I'm going to help people that are confused with their system setup, or plug the wrong wire in the right jack or vice versa.
You have a great day too Jamie,