Really Boring Stuff Only

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adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Thanks.. sometimes enough is enough...
I don't think enough is ever enough. Just when I get enough I want more so I don't know if I've ever had enough. Who says when you've had enough and if you want more how do you know when enough is enough?


Audioholic Jedi
Man, now I actually have to read the screen names instead of just looking at the avatars. Sooooo confusing. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
My Day So Far

In the last week or so I stepped up my hunt for OC 700 series insulation. I even looked into some 'Foam by Mail' stuff that turned out to have made up NRC's. Today I found out that there is an OC supplier that carries 700 series within a mile from me. I had a quote of $2.76/sq ft for 2" thick 705. The guy at the 1 800 number said a box/bundle/bag had 40 sq ft so that is ~ $120 with tax. I head over to the local supplier and he has 703 in stock but it has 96 sq ft in a box. I asked about 8lb mineral wool to reduce cost and he needed to look in the warehouse to see if he had any. He didn't but I spotted some loose (out of the box) pieces of rigid insulation. I asked if that was also the 2" 703. He said "Yeah ... take what you need." :)

I snagged 9 pieces. He even got me some bags to put it in. So I hum it in the back of the truck and head over to Luke's Records. I got a sealed copy of Dire Straits Brothers in Arms for ~ $14. As I'm eaves dropping on the owner (Luke) talking about Micheal Jackson and the apartment he is doing over above the store I introduce myself and cut a deal to do some work for him in exchange for music. It should work out to about $350 in (used) music that I otherwise would not have been able to afford.

I come home to find that monkeys are everywhere and my album (new) has horrendous skips. I don't really care about the album. I'll listen to it cranked tomorrow on SACD and call it good.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Well other than the skipping album a nice day for you.:)

What are you going to make with the mineral wool?


Audioholic Slumlord
Well other than the skipping album a nice day for you.:)

What are you going to make with the mineral wool?
Days like this are hard to beat. I just threw some Tom Jones on. I didn't get the less desirable mineral wool. I got the much coveted Owens Corning 703 3lb/cu ft rigid insulation. I guess that I'm gonna start stuffing it into speakers and making my own acoustic panels. So far I have only used it to make myself itch like a bastard. :)

I have an old pair of HPM-100's that I might love up a little. Mayhap I'll bug Swerd into helping me with a crossover adjustment for them. I better finish my freakin' bathroom before I do anything. My g/f is about ready to shoot me because I keep finding things that are more fun to do. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Here's a pic of the free Taurus SHO I was talking about a few weeks back.



Audioholic Samurai
I'm going down to watch Pan's Labrynth now. Be back later, monkeys.


Audioholic Spartan
my Jack and Coke tonight is as sweet as it's ever been! Thank you my AH brethern...The Monkey is Back!:cool:
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