Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Jedi
I've been drinking a bit, and I'm reminded of one night in college when a couple of buddies and I were walking down a cold street wondering what to do, and then we crashed a party at a house called the "Love Barn." We were smashed, and it was a blast. I butt-raced down a flight of stairs for the first time since I was a kid racing my brothers (yeah, it hurt like a mutha, but I was drunk), chastised one buddy for peeing behind their fridge (who does that?!), smoked some clove cigs with a couple of girls that seemed hot but probably weren't, and was reminded of how dense my non-peeing buddy was...when all three of us were in a room and a guy walked in with a girl (apparently, it was his room) and asked us to leave because he wanted to "show her his snake." Two of us just headed straight for the door, but we had to turn around and drag our other buddy out when he started saying, "but I want to see the snake." I have more stories of that guy - one involves him doing jumping jacks outside buck naked holding two American flags...before getting tackled by another drunk guy.

I forgot how fun parts of college were.


Audioholic Samurai
"I broke the coffee pot ... "

"The coffee pot is broke ... "
Ha! My young nephew was rooting around in his parent's room one day when they were out. He found his mom's pepper spray. Sprayed himself in the face and ran to the neighbor's for help. His story was, "I was just looking at the can and it got sprayed".

That's now our family standard joke. "It got XXXXX". In the case of your coffee pot, "It got broke".


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm relieved to hear the flags were in the naked guy's hands.

As soon as 8:00 AM hits I can cut the desk supports and I have to be in Bean Town for class at 4:00 PM. This level of stress is why we live to a hundred. I don't know how I bear up under the weight of it all.

... and then who's gonna apply the finish ?!? :eek:


Audioholic Samurai
Started using a password manager.

I'm not sure if I like it or not. Seems to be having some issues with Amazon. The issues are mine I'm sure, because I don't know how it use Dashlane


Full Audioholic
Started using a password manager.

I'm not sure if I like it or not. Seems to be having some issues with Amazon. The issues are mine I'm sure, because I don't know how it use Dashlane
I just started using LastPass a few weeks ago. It's free and pretty easy to use (at least in Chrome with the extension). I like how easy it is to generate new passwords for stuff. If you give up on Dashlane, maybe check out LastPass..

I just opened up a dispute with my credit card - the second one ever in 22 years. I backed a Kickstarter project back in mid-2013 (the one with the flashlights for those of you with great memories :D), and they still haven't delivered. They seem to have ripped a lot of people off. I don't expect to get my money back, but I figured it was at least worth asking about. The guy on the live chat was extremely friendly and helpful - made it very easy.
Blast form the past, I remember that. That's too bad. Did you pick up some replacement lights since then?

Been so long since I have been on this site. Just picked up a new tv which reminded me to drop in..


Audioholic Warlord
Upgraded to windows 10. Things are slow as sh!t now. At least it was only $14.


Audioholic Slumlord
Upgraded to windows 10. Things are slow as sh!t now. At least it was only $14.
Dude ... Vista. :D

Okay, now you can go back to your regularly scheduled lives. I'm going to part 2 of 'get your green card'. I decided I wanted to stay. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
So I was just up on the roof tuning up my a/c when a dude pokes his head out and says hey. It's a 3 story building with a center section that divides up the lower roof where the a/c equipment is. The dude went to the other side. While leaving I bump into him again and he asks who I work for. This is sort of a problem because maybe what I'm doing up there requires the blood of a virgin and a license. I tell him Robin Air. Turns out he's heard of us. I ask him the same and immediately forget the answer. He asks how may guys we got. I say 12 and by say I of course mean lie. His company as it turns out has about as many.

At this point he has followed me down the stairs and half way down the hall to my front door. I keep walking and comment that he must be parked out on that side of the building. He says no, he's working on the last unit on the right. I tell him he's on the wrong side of the roof. I had just looked at that unit and noticed the low side wasn't sweating. He mentioned that that would explain why he didn't have any power on his unit and went to go back up. When he turned the corner I snuck back to my door and escaped the EPA.

All the virgins blood on earth ain't gonna make the a/c work if you don't know which way is up ... litterally, he was clearly on the wrong side of the building. I wonder if he noticed that I was wearing a shirt from my real, not made up job.

Batman Air just didn't sound right.


Audioholic Ninja
For Alex:

Based on the Cassina Plurima, this is my own version intended as a 'Statement' piece.

All the lumber is 3/4" thick, ripped to random widths, then Mortise and Tenoned back together. The shelves are made 1.5" thick, so the two 3/4" panels are M&T vertically to each other. Finally, the ends are given the 'bread board' treatment, with further M&T. Same applies to all the risers.

Between the amount of joinery and glue, this thing will never come apart! Except where its intended to as I am building it as a two piece so it can be easily moved.


Audioholic Spartan
So I was just up on the roof tuning up my a/c when a dude pokes his head out and says hey. It's a 3 story building with a center section that divides up the lower roof where the a/c equipment is. The dude went to the other side. While leaving I bump into him again

At this point he has followed me down the stairs and half way down the hall to my front door....
It was the last line where I realized he was going to submit this story to Penthouse.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
Cool project. Nice contrast of color and great looking finish even though I still resist oil.

I got calipers to swap out and an E-brake cable to install. Then a HD run to hang and tape out a shower enclosure ... class tomorrow, laundry and maybe work Monday. Hmmm ... I'm already exhausted, need a nap and am ready for a vacation.


Audioholic Samurai
My wife and I went to a local shelter, it's actually an out building the lady's husband built for her to house stray cats, and she had an Irish Wolf Hound that was so cool.
We ended putting in an application to adopt a cat. The wolf hound will have to wait til I convince my wife we we should get him. And I install a 10' high fence.

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