Hahahahaha. ImcLoud, are you sure? The last time you and I had a fight, you knocked yourself out for a month. (

Now that's funny!)
I'm not sure where all the animosity is coming from. I disagreed with something Dawg said. Apparently it hurt his feelings. Really? Geez. I know. Let's give kids trophies for participation, don't keep score, don't have winners and losers, and avoid any kind of failure. We can raise a whole generation of people who are equally equipped to handle criticism as ParadigmDawg. It really is a new paradigm. Great. And what better place to avoid criticism than an internet forum.
I am not arguing with anyone anymore, I figure it this way, when someone makes a snide back of their face comment, I just chalk it up to the fact they need to make themselves feel better somehow for how they feel about themselves, be it a micro fallus condition or something as simple as a microbank account... So I just feel bad for them and let it go...
Plus I figure in person they wouldn't argue at all because I can easily decimate all of these little audio douche bags and easily afford the attorneys to get myself out of a thousand simple assaults... Coupled with the fact I am better than you all in general makes me just feel better about my smoking hot wife, great kids, abnormally large penis,

shoulders, back and biceps, and the vast sum of wealth that I have accumulated in my short 35ish years... That being said its pretty hard to get me to care what anyone on an audio forum has to say...
LOL obviously i am just kidding with the above statements, I really have an average white guy penis and $30 in the bank...
My point being this is the "anything goes" thread, if someone wants to joke about someone elses hot wife, than so be it... Its all in good fun, my posting in this thread you open yourself up to that stuff, it is what it is...
P-dawg obviously knows phillip well enough to kkid about banging his attractive little wife, it would have been funnier if phillip responded with a comment about dawgs wife.. but he didnt, I am more upset about that...