Well it's been a whirlwind couple of weeks. I had a bunch of interviews down in MD. A week or so later I got news that I hadn't gotten any positions and that a couple of the interviewers had gotten a very different impression than I had tried to project, and not in a positive light. Their comments about me were more disappointing than actually not getting the position, but I'm glad the woman I had been in contact with since I had first applied told me. I figured it would allow me to interview better for next year or if I managed to get anything later in the summer now that I had a better idea of what they were looking for.
Around the same time I found out my GF had scored a position for her interviews, which was fantastic. However, it put us in a tricky position about whether to stay in NY and gut it out or move and try to make it work on one salary. Anyways, we decided to give it a go and got back yesterday from looking at apartments and townhomes. Skip ahead to today and I roll out of bed at around 11:30 now that school is out and the sub calls have stopped. I have a voicemail from HR so I figured maybe I had gotten some more interviews, which would be great but a royal pain since it would mean another trip down to MD. So I call her back, play a little phone tag, and lo' and behold she's called to offer me two positions.
I accepted one and am 85% of the way towards being fully employed. Just thought I'd share with you guys.
Just imagine the projects I'll take on now that I have a real job