my dads bike insurance is $500 a year, he's only been in 2 accidents in the last 4 years (both times involved dogs.... they're fine though). CARS are EXPENSIVE!!! i could buy a neon for $300 and i would pay around $300 a month on insurance. now for a (somewhat) nice car (maybe a 03 sebring) it would be maybe $500/month and then i have to add gas on top of that. with a bike i pay 5k, $3200/year (found a better deal) on insurance, and then alot less gas than a car. in canada your first motorized vehicle is HELL and they make it that way.
also 2009 ninja 250r's sell for about $4900-$4500 so they dont lose value very quick. i dont see any way of owning a car at 16 in canada without your parents paying for most of it....... and the graduated license system sucks.