Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
You're back at your sister's place? I must have missed the roadtrip announcement. :) That does explain why you didn't post for a while, though.


Audioholic Slumlord
There wasn't an announcement. I meant to stop by Chris' to check on the speakers and make it to Knoxville in one shot. That's kind of ambitious for a guy who needs an afternoon nap. My 'Location' has been the only real clue to my where abouts. Chris lives in Hurt, VA. ;)
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Audioholic Slumlord
I was just reading the 3 word thread and it occurred to me how funny it would be to purchase some lube with a really pained facial expression talking about how you couldn't wait to get your hands on some of this because running out is nearly killing you and then limp out of there making whimpering noises. :D

YMMV :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
Trying to put together my first video review for Amazon. I'm no actor, and my video editing skills have also clearly fallen behind the times.


Audioholic Ninja
I was just reading the 3 word thread and it occurred to me how funny it would be to purchase some lube with a really pained facial expression talking about how you couldn't wait to get your hands on some of this because running out is nearly killing you and then limp out of there making whimpering noises. :D

YMMV :rolleyes:
A few months back I went to walmart before a game to pick up some tailgating gear with a buddy.

He's kind of a practical jokester. Upon walking through the front door, he puts his right hand over his @ss and half runs/shuffles all the way to the bathroom making very loud noises. It was hilarious...


Audioholic Field Marshall
I may have thrown...err...dropped my phone when the battery died while I was talking to my wife. It may have broken in half. Oops. I blame cyclic fatigue of the plastic. Where the hell were the materials engineers on that one? Time to frankenstein it with a parts phone from fleabay I guess-we can't get new phones till we graduate and get off our respective parents' family plans.

I will just add that and the parking ticket for being 30 seconds short on parking meter change at school on Friday to the list of sh!t that has made this week so delightful. :)




...I use "respective" a lot in the thesis, too. Perhaps too much...


Trying to put together my first video review for Amazon. I'm no actor, and my video editing skills have also clearly fallen behind the times.
I'm uploading 12 video's from my Katie's B-day party on my wife's facebook. On video two so far. Completely unedited, don't even want to mess with that.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm uploading 12 video's from my Katie's B-day party on my wife's facebook. On video two so far. Completely unedited, don't even want to mess with that.
We can't see those unless we're friends with her, can we?


Audioholic Jedi
Trying to put together my first video review for Amazon. I'm no actor, and my video editing skills have also clearly fallen behind the times.
Finally done and it's uploaded. Whew. That took longer than it should have. :)


Audioholic Jedi
He's kind of a practical jokester. Upon walking through the front door, he puts his right hand over his @ss and half runs/shuffles all the way to the bathroom making very loud noises. It was hilarious...
Yeah, it's funny until someone loses a pair of underwear...


Audioholic Jedi
I thought you had the link thing figured out, Alex...
Hey, come on. It's been a long day for the monkey. Flying to Europe, eating Krispee Creme donuts, peeing from the wing of a plane, and trying to play Mr. Fixit at his sister's place. :p

New linkee here. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Matt, I just had a great time looking at the pictures of Katie on Facebook. Thanks for posting those! The ones with the bear cake in her high chair were hilarious! :D
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