Did you consider those

Yeah ... that'll fit in my living room.
Yeah ... like I have money for that.
... actually I got a PSU for my desktop. It's kind of amazing because about 3 years ago I planned a preventative maintenance upgrade for the desktop and picked a PSU out on Newegg but just never bought it. Well it just so happens that Alvin Foster was ridding himself of that same PSU for a buck.
He was also ridding himself of a DVE disc for 50 cents and this weird air mouse compact wireless keyboard for a buck. I also picked up a transistor tester, a record brush and a bunch of classical music. Like 10 LP's and 6 CD's.
I talked to a guy about adding some dedicated outlets for a couple of JL Audio F2112's. I guess he really likes bass.
I had a real good time there. Phylis assured me that should I join I would be welcome and that was nice.