Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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I was going to look for some salad spinners and then it hit me,WTF am I doing? and I stopped.


Audioholic Slumlord
and did you read the reviews?
Then what would you do? :D :p

I say get this version instead.
... but it's not stainless. :confused: I could give a ... care ... how it works. My girl wants a new salad spinner and she likes stainless. If it even looks at me funny I will be back to the store and on Amazon so fast it'll take your breath away but in two days my girl is getting a freakin' stainless spinner. :)

Like I need advice on how to piss her off. :rolleyes: :eek:

Aren't those two the same? Just plastic and stainless versions of the same thing? Come on Jamie ... just look at them. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Aren't those two the same? Just plastic and stainless versions of the same thing?
That was my impression, but I didn't study them intensely. :D

Maybe people just don't expect as much from a $30 item as they do a $50 item. Either way, your spending money on something that does...what? Toss a salad? I thought that's what I was for.

("I prefer syrup.")


Audioholic Samurai
I ate too much spinach/chicken/cheese enchiladas. Now I must slumber.


Audioholic Slumlord
Maybe people just don't expect as much from a $30 item as they do a $50 item.
The bad reviews were like it was broke in the box or Jamie tried to develop enough centrifugal force to escape the earth's orbit so he could sling shot his consciousness back onto the mothership ... but they are in fact the same unit. I saw them both in the store and I checked the contents of the box for any obvious major malfunctions. Stainless is worth the extra $20 and $20 is worth the girl being happy. She's been after a new one for years.

I don't get out to malls much now a days but I can see why I liked wandering around high as a kite with all those weirdos. Although nothing really beats going to a petting zoo wrecked on shrooms. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Cool, man. I'm glad that you got one. I hope that she really likes it.


Audioholic Jedi
I just looked up what a salad spinner is used for.

Huh. Drying salad. I never would have guessed that. I resorted to buying bagged lettuce a few years ago (I fought doing that for years because it seemed like a waste of money, but I succumbed), and it's already washed. I guess the extra money I spend on bagged salads just saved me $50. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
I must stop eating this cheese cake. No f^%&ing wonder I am 270 lbs.

I lost over 10 lbs since my check up earlier this year but with the holidays approaching ... it ain't lookin' good.


Audioholic Jedi
I must stop eating this cheese cake. No f^%&ing wonder I am 270 lbs.

I lost over 10 lbs since my check up earlier this year but with the holidays approaching ... it ain't lookin' good.
Maybe we should rent YOU to Jerry. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Yeahrrrr it is ... :D

... by people who care. No, it's fine ... just eat it like that ...

I said, EAT IT !!! :mad:
You go to restaurants, right? There comes a point where you either trust the people handling your food or decide to roll the dice anyway. I haven't (yet) gotten sick from those salads, so I'm not going to go through the effort of washing them all off.

I've gotten food poisoning twice, as far as I know. Both times from frozen pizzas (same brand, within weeks, so probably the same production run). Yeah, that kinda sucked. On the flip side, it was like I paid for dinner, but got the unexpected bonus of a cleanse. :D
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