So i replaced my subwoofer for the 3rd time and finally found the spot that the subwoofer outputs the clearest and loudest bass. The only problem is that the sub is behind a dresser. The dresser creates a triangle with the corner of 2 interesecting walls. So imagine there is a corner in my room, and the dresser which is like 5 or so feet tall is placed from one wall to the other sideways creating a triangular space behind the dresser. This is where i placed my sub, the nice part about this is the bass sounds great but when i start playing my sub loud, it rattles the thin wood back wall of the dresser. Is there anything i can do such as lining it with tape or glue or somthing that will reduce rattle, or is the only option to move my sub or dresser, which i really dont wanna do.
Thanks for help, Shlub