Radiohead: So did the Boot Work?


Billboard™ tracking of indie musicians is spotty at best. XM, Sirius, and Clearchannel™ (the primary company behind broadcast FM radio) rarely, if ever, will give airtime to indie music. Mtv™ does not play indie music videos (that I've ever seen). Rolling Stone™ won't give a full article to an indie release (not that they do many album reviews anymore).

So while more artists may sign to indie labels, you the consumer won't hear about them unless you browse indie music websites, print media, or live in a major city that also has an independently owned & operated radio station that will also play indie label music (good luck with that).
Well, I can recommend Paste Magazine if you want to read about and hear (they include a sampler CD in every issue) new music (indie & major label). They even host artist videos on their website (used to include a DVD in most issues as well, but it became too expensive).


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