Regarding king of cheap - I really did mean that in a positive way!
Inventiveness is a very good thing. Especially in emergencies.
I do think that the cheap cables with pressed metal shield contacts on rca connectors are a problem waiting to happen. They always go bad, and you need to go behind your rack and reinsert or jiggle connectors to get things right again, temporarily. Give me a nice chunky looking rca connector with nice solid contact and a better gold plating and I won't have to mess with it until I replace it.
You are right that subwoofer cables are not rocket sceince. Putting some F-RCA adapters on an rg6 will do the job. I still would rather use a copper cable, since most CATV cable is copper over steel, I don't like it myself. Componant video, especially if you may use it for HD should be good 75 ohm copper cable with decent connectors. You may be able to do it otherwise, but I don't think it's a "connect it and forget about it" type of thing. I loathe messing with cables behind my rack. I am too old I guess, bad back, knees and ankles. I'll get the cheap cables and send you the money if you promise to come over and jiggle my cables when need be.