Cool I am looking into this sub now.. Any Pros & Cons to a downfiring vs front firing sub etc?
I like the fact that the HSU is a 12 vs a 10 ( no scientific reasoning )
The only advantage to a front firing sub that I can see is that at extreme spl, the driver firing right towards you would give you more direct impact, that feel the wind generated by the driver feel. But that's not your listening level in your situation, so no, I see no advantage of one over the other.
From my perspective, owning a PB12-Plus and a Hsu STF-3, I would choose the Hsu in your situation. I find the Hsu driver more tightly controlled than the SVS and it would be my choice for a music only system. Having said that, 1) the SVS is still an awesome sub but just doesn't seem to offer the same tightness, or clarity, that the Hsu does, and 2) the Hsu still performs admirably as a home theater sub. That's simply my subjective evaluation of my two subs which, granted, are two different models from what you are considering.
Relating this to your situation, where max spl is not a factor, I would choose the Hsu for it's tight, smooth, well controlled dynamics. Because spl is not a factor, you can run the VTF2-MK3 in it's maximum extension mode and still get solid response down to 18Hz without worrying that you may have given up some spl to achieve it.
A final subjective note on the Hsu, mine is a real trooper especially for it's cost. It simply does everything it's asked, very well and leaves little if anything wanting.