Forgot to add about Sony updating PS5 all the time which is another advantage over stand alone movie disc players. Thanks for mentioning that. My Sony x700m was buggy from jump. Constantly freezing up with 4K UHD disc, but not freezing up playing just your standard Blu Ray disk or even DVD's never once did they freeze up on those two formats. Only when playing a 4K disc.
And I mean freeze up, Would not respond to the remote or even the buttons on the front. Had to literally unplugged the unit wait about ten, thirty seconds plugged it back in and all was good. Got two updates, last took about a year, maybe longer 2 year if my memory is right which it usually isn't because I'm old. In between the first update has performed flawlessly with 4K movie's. Its now going on 5 years old.
@AcuDefTechGuy had one, I believe after his froze up a few times he threw it in the garbage when it was even still in the under warranty!.

I tried to get Andrew to go get It out of the trash and mail it to me! Told Andrew I'd give him 100 bucks plus pay for the shipping, he told me NO! He was that mad. I tried to tell him Sony gonna send updates to fix the freezing up issues. To at least put it back in the box it came in and put it in his stash closet with all his amps that he has stashed. Guess waiting two or more years for Sony to send Updates to fix the bugs wasn't in his best interest he was mad though.