PS3 - less than impressed?



Audioholic Jedi
Ok I may be blind but what are you using to process TrueHD. I don't see an HDMI compatible pre-pro or receiver.
I'm using the internal processors of the Toshiba HD-XA1 and the Panasonic DMP-BD10A to process TrueHD, then send out via the analog 5.1 output to my three Acurus pre-amplifiers (thus 6 channels).

So you don't need HDMI at all if your HD player can do the processing. You don't even need a receiver or an external processor (Pre-pro). My Mitsubishi has two HDMI inputs--one for the HDDVD, one for the Blu-ray.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
See I told you I was blind and in this case a bit dumb. I forgot about the multicannel out option.

I am suprised that many people are not hearing the difference or we are watching totally different movies. I understand that how the movie is mastered will control the quality of the audio but I have found a quality increase on every TrueHD (only HD DVD) track I have heard so far.


Audioholic Jedi
See I told you I was blind and in this case a bit dumb. I forgot about the multicannel out option.

I am suprised that many people are not hearing the difference or we are watching totally different movies. I understand that how the movie is mastered will control the quality of the audio but I have found a quality increase on every TrueHD (only HD DVD) track I have heard so far.
Hearing is extremely subjective, so it's no surprise some can hear the difference while others cannot.

That's why I'm hoping someone will do a true single-blinded study on the different surround sound formats (because a double-blinded study would be asking for way too much).

I'm sure TrueHD, DTS-MA, and Uncompressed Audio will sound the same.
But what's more interesting is comparing TrueHD vs DD and DTS-MA vs DTS.
Are Dolby, DTS, and all these companies just trying to rip us off?
I mean if you had a Denon 4306, would you have the urge to buy a 4308 just for the TrueHD and DTS-MA?


Audioholic Spartan
Yeah, I agree. When I saw "House of Flying Daggers" on Blu-ray, I thought I was watching the standard DVD format!

I just saw "300" on Blu-ray. Why the heck did they intentionally add all that grain to the picture? Is it suppose to look more realistic or what? I hate picture grain. Some directors intentionally erase the grain digitally, and this director intentional adds the grain? Is he on crack?
The director was going for a "gritty" look. He also jacked the contrast way up to try and make the movie look like the graphic novel.


Audioholic Overlord
I got a chance to watch a lot of movies this weekend and I was impressed. So I should change the Subject line to PS3...impressed.

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