

Audioholic Samurai
Reports are coming in from all over the internet that there is a second attempt at jailbreaking the PS3 with the use of a usb dongle. While this is the latest in a series of issues that have come along for the PS3, PS3 Jailbreak 1, Geohot, Anonymous, 77 million hacked PSN accounts just to recap. This latest device is being called JB2 which is similar to first dongle but there are differences, first it won't have complete free reign like the original, games released prior to the FW3.60 will back up and run on the PS3′s HDD. Games released after FW3.60 will have to be burned to a Blu-ray disc.

While this would be a deterrent for the average user, once you factor in the cost of a burner plus BD-R discs, but it would sure give those looking to make a profit off bootleg copies the upper hand. The capabilities of JB2 is still unknown at this point and whether this is device is legit or just some hoax perpetrated by some doofus looking for some attention is unclear at this time. Here is some video of the alleged JB2 in action.

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