Hi guys, i have a cerwin vega VE-28s sub. it is two 8 inch drivers arranged vertically, with a rear facing port.I am very interested to know the pros and cons of this design. i have it crossover at 60Hz, and to me sounds great, very deep and accurate. I had a DB Dynamics 12 and it outdoes it in every way.
I think you have this common misunderstanding that larger diameter cones equals deeper bass. Not so! Nowhere is the diameter of the speaker cone part of an equation that determines the lowest reach of a speaker.
Think of a speaker as a spring driven by a motor, which it is. Now the slower the frequency at which the spring will move the weight up and down is determined by how heavy the weight on the end of the spring is (the heavier the slower/deeper bass) and the stiffness of the spring, compliance, (the looser or softer the slower/deeper bass). Now the moving mass and motor force interact to make a parameter known as the equivalent volume of the driver (VAS), which determines optimal box size and tuning.
Now the rate at which the speaker (spring vibrates on free air) is called the free air resonance of the driver Fs. The effective lowest reach of the driver is usually a little higher than that number. The stiffness of the driver helps determine a parameter known has the Q of the driver, which relates to the parameters of the stiffness of the spring, which is determined by the looseness or stiffness of the driver suspension.
So we now come to a ratio referred to as the efficiency bandwidth ratio (EBR) which is Fs/Qt. The lower that ratio the lower the potential low frequency cut off of the driver. It does not tell us anything about the enclosure volume required. That is a product related to the the moving mass and motor force which determine Vas as stated above.
So you are pleased with your sub, because these numbers line up to produce a satisfactory end product.
I don't know your sub, but usually the smaller the cone the lighter. However you can make small heavy cones. I general however the smaller lighter cone has to have a looser suspension for equivalent Fs. That can make the speaker less robust.