Hi All,
I finally decided to break down and get a programmable remote. I think what turned me on was the activities features they have... Holy Crap
How cool is that?!? Well that and my girl was a tad overwhelmed with my 9 remotes
So I did my due diligence and researched every waking moment, non stop for 7-14 days and learned as much as I could about programmable remotes, pro's and cons, etc... and finally settled on a URC MX-450. Very nice piece btw. Took about a day to figure it out and restarting at least 2x, creating an excel sheet for my button layout, etc, etc... So now I am 75% done programming and taking a break because I am in the market for a couple new components.
HOWEVER, I seem to have overlooked one key feature that I just heard about (perhaps it took experience in the first place to realize it tho)... If any of you have experience with the MX-450, you will know how daunting it can be to program everything to a tee. It amost becomes fun - for about an hour after you figure it out, then it's like 'holy crap... This is going to take awhile'.
Anyway, I was just informed that the Harmony One automatically programs your activities! I was told it downloads your components to the remote, you tell it how your system ties together, and it will automatically create the macros necessary.
Side question #1: Can it account for an HDMI 4x2 splitter? Add a Projector/TV Configuration?
Here's the best part, (I am sure there is extensive setup to assure everything talks together correctly, but...) I heard once your set up, when you upgrade components, it will automatically update your activities with the appropriate commands (basically the only thing I do on my end is download my new model, maybe do a few steps, and - Done)
Side question #2 - is this true? Is it this easy?
? #3 Am I missing something?
4. Will it account for a seperate sub amp (to Turn on/off)?
OOOOHHH Yeah and another BIG HITTER: I heard it keeps track of the power states of devices when changing between activities, so I do not have to worry about buying discrete on/off.
5. does the Harmony ONE have power tracking (memory) capability?
Thanks a ton!