Apples to Oranges
A while ago I had my Samsung plasma calibrated and as a side service the guy offered home theater calibration. I do my set-ups myself but it came with the cost of the TV calibration so I figured what the hell. When he saw my speaker distance settings he told me that it would be better to just set all speakers at the same distance. His argument was that movie theaters don't do this so why should you?
When I thought about it he did have a point. Setting your system up so that only one position has optimum sound may be a bit short sighted. I admit that when I'm watching a movie I move around a bit, (scoot to the side, lay down, etc.)
Interesting idea, but upon some reflection I disagree.
SEAT DISTANCE DELTAS: The room sizes are too different; the movie theater has such a larger seating distance delta (i.e. very front row vs. very last row) that setting speaker distance settings is impracticle. Compare this to the to even a fairly large HT (2-3 rows) where the speaker distance deltas from the front right seat to left back seat are pretty small (5-10').
Therefore, in a HT nearly every one is sitting pretty close to the sweet spot, this is not so for a movie theater (if they did put in distance settings).
- Average movie theater is
60' wide by 80' long, therefore the distance from the front row, right most seat (20' from screen) to back row, left most seat is
~85' (good old trig)
- Typical home theater is ~
15' wide by 20' long, therefore the distance from the front row, right most seat (10' from screen) to back row, left most seat is at most
~15 feet
FRONT SOUND STAGE: In the movie theater the distance to the front 3 speakers is pretty far (>20' to as much as 80'), so the difference in distance from a particular seat to the FR speaker vs. the distance to the C or FL speaker is very small % wise in comparison to the % differences found in a HT with its smaller overall dimensions.
SURROUNDS: The movie theater normally has several sets of surround speakers (spaced about 20' apart), so the ones closest to you will dominate what you hear.
My two bits