Maybe they're right. Equal outcome is more equitable.
WRT "Like equal opportunity in the sense there's a minimum wage for a given pos", that's just fair wages- minimum wage has nothing to do with opportunity, which means "anyone can apply for this job" but people need to understand that some jobs just won't pay well. This is part of the reason I don't like the arguments for illegals being hired- the ones who are in favor say "They do jobs Americans won't". While it's true, I think it's insulting to the illegals and the ones who "don't want to do those jobs" see themselves as more important than they are, think they're worth higher pay or think those jobs are 'beneath them' for whatever reason they choose. Used to be that if someone needed to support themselves and a family, they would do whatever it took. Now, we have fast food workers who can't get a simple order right and they want fifteen bucks/hour. Some skilled trade jobs don't pay much more than that.
I also see a lot of well-dressed panhandlers, too. They don't even bother to pick up the trash they leave on the ground and often, they stand directly next to traffic light poles which have signs with "Keep the change- panhandling is illegal".
If a group is specifically targeted (for or against), it's obviously not equal opportunity.
If you want people to stop trying to do better, sure but merit-based results in achievement and creativity. Sure, a small percentage of people have to work harder/smarter/more creatively as part of their character, but human nature eventually kills that, too.
Equal outcome, as in Communist countries? Yeah, that works great. Ever discuss this with someone who lived under Communism? I have yet to meet one who thought it was a good system or that it worked.
Most people who make a lot of noise about 'fair wages' and 'living wage' are in favor of it until they have to pay someone to do something for them.